(oops, that was supposed to say "repost", not "report")

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Looks like she was running low, too.

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I also note from the report of his link on this thread, Brooke Harris won Teacher of the Year twice in the last three years.

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Yeah, I'm snarkless.

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And the first student who quotes that MLK paragraph will be expelled.

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If they weren't, they probably are now.

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NEVER, EVER EVER read the Yahoo or (shudder) Youtube comments. You've been online long enough to know that, young man. You have only yourself, and human Evil, to blame.

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What a beacon light of post-racial society this school is, firing that obviously racist teacher for being racist by supporting the family of a deceased black child!

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You know who else was a child of the civil rights movement...

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<i>“this is not the time in the school year” to distract students from academics.</i>

She is right; Trayvon should have known better than to get shot so close to midterms.

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Well, you know <em>those people</em> will bang anything that moves.

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Because if there's one thing the civil rights movement knew, it's that justice delayed is justice more awesomer, or something.

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And also that suspending and then firing their teacher is the way to reduce the distraction. Yeah, that'll work.

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