what? corporations have the right to speak freely and no corporations have been harmed here. what's the big fucking deal?

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Or Brazil:

"Holly: Put it on, big boy. I won't look at your willy. "

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DBB: Did I read a comment of yours over at News Hounds?

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Nobody let this D.A. know about "Wonder Showzen".

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Children must be protected from this sort of evil. But not given any government aid for medical care, proper education, etc.

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If I remember correctly, that was because of a probation agreement that was violated by those writings. While one could certainly argue that it was a questionable provision of the agreement (seems that they may have provided a sort of catharsis, although I don't exactly have any degrees related to mental health), it's still not exceptionally fucked up. It's just more generic "burn the world down and start over" background noise.

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No sire...but thanks for the tip.

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This country is getting more and more fucked by the moment.

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People lacking a sense of humor should not be put in any position of authority.

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