I fed camp kids. Half the kids want their noodles nekkid.

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Oh, gosh. I had to tear my closet up to find those pants that were too big a year ago.

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"R's believe that there can be no competition, no progress, no success, unless there is the fear of starving/being homeless/getting sick to drive people to have productive lives." to take jobs at starvation wages.FIFY

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You seem to be suffering from a condition commonly referred to as "empathy." It frequently manifests as an ability to see things from another's point of view. It's pretty harmless -- some say helpful! -- to live with, but if it really bothers you, I suggest you spend time watching Fox News, Newsmax and OANN for a while, and that should clear it right up.

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Come to think of it, yeah. I was a kid, that one time. Maybe it has to do with emperty empothy, aw, hell, you know, that thing that Rand Paul doesn't have.

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You have zeroed in on my deplorable condition.

Only imagine if I could spell words. In English!

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The government doing things to help all children in the country grow up healthy. What a novel idea! </snark>

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I'm sure the Repugnants are already scouring the alleys, looking for the inevitable fucknuts who spent the money on hookers and blow, so that they can show how the whole thing is a waste of taxpayer dollars.

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You're right. I also recall liking to eat.

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Because you understand a healthy, well educated child will benefit ALL of society - yourself included. You're selfish :)

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"The rich don't get it" seems to be a widespread phenomenon.

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Cheeze! I loved psketti with butter (or olive oil) and cheeze.

(Probably Kraft cheese-flavored sawdust, but as a kid you never questioned it.)

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Tradition on my undergrad campus was the "Annual Spontaneous Tuition Riot". I still remember chanting "$4500, too damned much!"At the time, that got you a full semester at a notoriously expensive-but-worth-it northeast institution of higher learning.

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That's the really nice bit about this; since it is just money in the bank, they can't prove anyone is spending it "wrong"Funny story: My brother lamented- lamented!- how he was getting 600 for 2 kids and how he did not need the handout because he works hard and yadda yaddaSo I suggested: well, you could give it back, or donate it then!Weirdly enough he did not like either option

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It's an actual redistribution of wealth. (Don't tell anybody.)

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Ethics? Decency? Common Sense? A sense of the tragedy of the commons?

So many to choose from.

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