A majority of Republicans support the Trump administration’s policy of separating migrant children from their parents when they are caught illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, a Quinnipiac University poll found.

Republican voters support the policy 55 to 35 percent, according to the poll released on Monday.

They are the only listed party, gender, education, age or racial group to support the policy, according to Quinnipiac.

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To answer Laura Ingraham's snarky question: they've made it nearly impossible to foster these kids. I just spent my entire lunch hour hitting the various websites, HHS, ORR, Texas FPS, even church sites like LIRS, and UMCOR. Am no more certain of what to do than when I started my research.

I'm not stupid. I know when I'm getting the runaound.

I'd love to sponsor, but the fact of the matter is that it's nearly impossible to do so unless you are an employee or family member. If Ms. Ingraham can point me to the "sponsor an immigrant family because I'm a decent human being" form, I will gladly take back all the mean things I have ever said about her.

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Aluminum foil? An all-purpose commodity to be used as a blanket, wallpaper, and shoes by child prisoners?

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Do the individual pieces come in a kit manufactured by, say, a certain for-profit prison corporation using prison labor?

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Or hug or touch

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I want to know what is the rate of assault and rape. You put a bunch of strangers in cages, children without their parents, and obviously no one supervising their emotional and mental health, this is a recipe for violence. And i wouldn’t be surprised if it occurred and then this sick administration used it to say, look they belong in cages. Is it November yet.

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I was thinking about the migrant kids listening to this song just yesterday. It's on an iTunes playlist CD that's in my car's CD player right now. Lou was an amazing artist. Like Picasso said: "All great art is political." That's the thread in Lou's music, he was always 'woke'.

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For those of you who were thinking, "Oh, well, she's a nice young blonde lady who even threatened to quit once, so she'll put Trump in his place"...

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Thank you for sharing! Do you mind if I steal to contact my senators, the most dishonorable richard burr and thom tillis?

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I remember what happened when a bunch of kids got caged up:https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Use your voice to speak up!

This is the letter I composed and e-mailed to my Republican representative for my district, (minus the specific name). Those of you who are dismayed by the brutal actions of this administration are welcome to use it as a template for a letter to your congressional representative(s) with two restrictions that I hope you will respect - no death threats (except to their political career)and no profanity please - keep it firm but civil:

Dear Congresswoman _____________,

I just wanted to express my dismay and outrage over the inhumane policies implemented by the Attorney General against immigration law violators, specifically the appalling policy of separating children from their parents and sticking them in what, to put it bluntly, are nothing less than juvenileconcentration camps.

We as a nation are acting no better than we did after Pearl Harbor when on the name of “national security” we interred hundreds of thousands of Japanese/Americans for the crime of being Japanese/Americans. Maybe now we are acting worse – AT LEAST IN 1942 WE KEPT THE CHILDREN WITH THEIR PARENTS!

One argument has been "well, they (the parents) broke the law." Maybe that is true. But there are laws that support justice and there are laws that are just plain cruel and serve no positive purpose except to try and justify our prejudices.

It used to be "the law" that you, as a woman, could not vote. It was the law, but that didn't make it right.

It used to be "the law" that you, as a woman, could not manage your own property – if you were fortunate enough to own any. It was the law, but that didn't make it right.

It used to be "the law" that people of African descent could be enslaved, to be bought and sold like so much livestock according to whatever the "legal" owners thought was in their best economic interests. It was the law, but that didn't make it right.

Those same laws enabled families to be broken up including children being ripped away from their parents for the economic benefit of the "legal" owners. It was the law, but that didn't make it right.

Your party used to tout itself as the party of “Family Values.” Now you and your fellow partymembers are letting the nominal leader of your party rip families apart without uttering one word against the psychological brutality of his actions.

You are a parent. Suppose you trespassed on someone’s private property, and your child wastaken from you without any due process or warning – maybe to never be seen again. Is that a trauma you would want inflicted on your child … or yourself for that matter? Does that infraction justify inflicting that kind of heartache and psychological damage to your child? Do you think your child deserves to be put in a concentration camp just because of a relatively minor violation of thelaw on your part?

So the question is, will anyone in the Republican leadership, or potential future leadership, speak up about this appalling practice being inflicted on children…..(children, for Pete’s sake!) by the American Government? Will YOU speak up?

Thank you,

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Baba Yaga's got nothin' on her!

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No unnecessary J's, you're fine:)

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Well thanks for clarifying evil people, they’re free-range abducted children. So it’s all good!

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The same bastards who dig this will turn around the next moment and start bleating about spirit-cooked pizzas and homeless camps that are really pedo processing points.


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