For reasons as mysterious as the motivations of superheroes themselves, Marvel Comics has canceled plans to put out a comic book and cartoon show calledGovernatorand starring the character of former California governor/gross old movie star Arnold Schwarzenegger.
No, that was a movie, True Lies. But wait, it wasn&#039;t Maria, it was Jamie Lee. Christ, this is confusing as all hell -- it&#039;s <u>already</u> a frickin&#039; comic book.
Throw in Trump and Blago and Sheen while you&#039;re at it, and you&#039;ve got yourselves one hell of a reality show. (And I thought &quot;Jersey Shore&quot; glorified stupidity.)
Then I guess Scott Walker, Rick Perry, Rick Scott, Mitch Daniels, John Kasich, Chris Christie, Nicky Haley, Jan Brewer will all have their own comic books. If we add morally bankrupt, we can also include Mark Sanford, Sam Brownback.
Wow. Kennedys age like shit.
The images for that just made my brain seize.
The sad thing about that picture, even the Crypt Keeper don&#039;t return Arnie&#039;s calls no more.
Did you know that there&#039;s a part of country music called, &quot;The Bakersfield Sound&quot;? Really. <a href="http://www.rockabillyhall.c..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="">http://www.rockabillyhall.c...
Whiny songs enhanced with the delicate syncopation of revving engines and the hiss of air sounds like hell.
No, that was a movie, True Lies. But wait, it wasn&#039;t Maria, it was Jamie Lee. Christ, this is confusing as all hell -- it&#039;s <u>already</u> a frickin&#039; comic book.
Throw in Trump and Blago and Sheen while you&#039;re at it, and you&#039;ve got yourselves one hell of a reality show. (And I thought &quot;Jersey Shore&quot; glorified stupidity.)
Crocodile Dundee?
On the other hand Arnold will be churning out tons of awful action movies to pay the bills.
Then I guess Scott Walker, Rick Perry, Rick Scott, Mitch Daniels, John Kasich, Chris Christie, Nicky Haley, Jan Brewer will all have their own comic books. If we add morally bankrupt, we can also include Mark Sanford, Sam Brownback.
I was thinking the point of your story had to do with the triumph of a good rack.
What would this governator actually do that could form the basis of one comic book, let alone a series?
HIs entire term as Governor was a straight out of a comic book.
I spent a year in Bakersfield one night. It was like a never-ending dinner show of &quot;Grapes of Wrath&quot;.
today we are all 10 year old bastards hidden in bakersfield.
Maybe he could team up with Mel Gibson.