He's so vile he even has a shirt with money bags all over it.And now he's suing his ex-fiancée to get his ring back. He's suing for $250,000 even though the jewelry store that sold it to him said he paid $180,000. He claims the "value" when up since he proposed to her seven months ago. I guess because it has his cooties on it.
Chips is a welfare program, not insurance !! Not an insurance spot on it !! It is financed by the sweat of the American taxpayer tor the benefit of (usually illegitimate) children of indolent shiftless parents !!
"The rich certainly aren’t about to eat themselves."
Are we sure? 'cause that dude looks like he's eaten literally everything he's ever seen, and he likely sees a lot of rich people...
Yep. And dingoes ate my baby
People born with great wealth ALWAYS confuse it for being born with great abilities. FIFY
Wait'll you see his line of hats!https://www.metro.us/sites/...
If there is to be a zombie apocalypse let's hope it starts with him!
He's so vile he even has a shirt with money bags all over it.And now he's suing his ex-fiancée to get his ring back. He's suing for $250,000 even though the jewelry store that sold it to him said he paid $180,000. He claims the "value" when up since he proposed to her seven months ago. I guess because it has his cooties on it.
Holy crap, it's Hoggish Greedly, Jr., complete with the ginger hair and hideous shirts.
Haha, i thought the same with that body language. Even all that money isn't enough for her to stomach it. She looks a mix of queasy and embarrassed.
Yes, especially in the terminal cancer ward. After seeing those shirts, death won't look so grim.
Nice hat! Did it come with a free bowl of soup?
Chips is a welfare program, not insurance !! Not an insurance spot on it !! It is financed by the sweat of the American taxpayer tor the benefit of (usually illegitimate) children of indolent shiftless parents !!
The Kennedys ?
discotecha?! what even is that. Also that blue shirt i think has boobs on it. They look like boobs.