I won't put out for anything below a Miller High Life (standards!)

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And now they have watermelon, which just a viscerally awful idea.ETA: Frosted watermelon.

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Didn't we pass some laws about willfully feeding people false health advice? I feel like "No buttsex = No HIV" is not a trend that needs to come back.

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Onan, you're terrible.

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By their logic all women should choose to be lesbians immediately, since the vast majority of women with HIV contracted it from a man.

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And after a long rest, back again?

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I am so proud of myself! I actually read down before posting!

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When comments number in the hundreds or even thousands, how am I supposed to know if someone already made the same stupid joke I want to make? ...grumble mutter .. to many damn comments... in my day...

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Go to your room.

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Between you and baconzgood, my whip arm's gonna be worn out.

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Like New York pizza, one does not use a knife and fork when eating soda.

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The followup question would have to be, "Have you ever been banhammered by Dok?"

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I don't see the downside of Ed Vitagliano not ever having sex ever and forever. Amen. But, I suppose my demanding he be gelded with a rusty spoon might cause difficulties for my employer....if he weren't me. heehee.

Do these guys know that while it's true that 2/3 of the new HIV cases annually are gay or bi-sexual men. That means that 1/3 are not? On the other hand, it's also true that almost 2/3 of the new cases are straight and bi-sexual men. Stats is slippery stuff.

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My wife and I are old fashioned, we used the direct injection method to procreate.

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It's always against the men isn't it? The lezzers are almost guaranteed to never pass on HIV but does the AFA recommend hot lesbo sex for all? THEY DO NOT!

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Damn they're boring. Their wives are at home boning the mail carrier (female or male) just to relieve the utter, complete, encompassing BOREDOM their spouses radiate through their home & marriage.

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