... considering that even the "affordable housing" units rent for a few (several?) thousand dollars per month in these developments, I'm trying to figure out how you can't actually tell who's poor and who's not. I mean, is it because your suit is only a $5K Fifth Ave designer one and not a bespoke number from Saville Row? Your shoes aren't custom made by an Italian hand craftsman? Your watch is some overpriced Trump Collection piece of junk and not a limited edition Cartier? Seriously, the poorz in this building don't look like the ones living in the subway tunnels. I can't imagine anyone with a conscience thinking this is a valuable selling point - but then again, I don't travel in those circles.

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If Sweat and Matt could cut through their 2-ft. thick cell walls using nothing but hand tools without anyone noticing, then perhaps some ambitious tenants of one of those buildings could create a passage from the main lobby to the stairwell for their wing. Of course the building management could simply stop being dicks and construct the passage themselves, too.

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That's mighty bigayou. Bigamy, bigayou, whatevs. It's all good.

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Pour what?

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It means that they will be able to use the more secure doorman-monitored entrance rather than some insecure unmonitored Poors-Only entrance around the corner.

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"The Central Part East sally port is for the use of Market-Rate tenants only."

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Poor who?

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Poor people be openin' doors like this...

[mimes opening a door]

Rich people be openin' doors like this...

[mimes finger gun shooting a doorman]

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Pour me another goddamn drink, because I still have no fucking idea where I'm going with this.

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But the poorz still have to use the freight elevators, right?

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"Have to?" Man, they're the only ones that work. And there's never a line!

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To be clear, "low income" residents = people who can "only" afford $2500/mo for rent. New York City! Center of the universe...

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Now, what about cut-rate prices for the hoors?

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What's next, allowing them to be out in broad daylight?

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