Giving a cat a bath with your own tongue.

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Don't worry. Lizzie will reign forever as the Immortal God-Empress of Albion and the Commonwealth. I mean, if you were her, would YOU give that twerp Charles the satisfaction of your dying?

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It would warm my heart no end to have a kid (ie anyone not over 30) look at me and ask WTF about shrubW for two terms.

It would give me extreme hope to think that any such kid was paying that close attention to the ramifications of various political choices this country has made. The <i>WTF's with shrubW?</i> part would just be extra icing.

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<i>Things more popular than Bush: </i>

Being dead. (vampires, also)

Some obligatories: Chewing on razorblades. Walking barefooted on broken glass. Taking care of your neighbour's dog that has a skin condition while they're on holiday for a week ...

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Indeed. To quote me GranDa's comment made in response to the last notable jubleethingee:

<i>Bluedee foooking waste.</i> (One assumes of money <i>and</i> time, but it did not seem wise to inquire at the time. One learns to merely grunt in sympathetic resonance to such.)

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<i>"... most of the world will have high speed internet ..."</i>

America won't do anything the rest of the world is doing (c.f the metric system). And I, for one, will welcome our new dial-up modems.

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"Bush worship" must mean different things to different people.

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And yet there are those who think America needs a third "former President Bush". Masochists, I think they're called.

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Circus Peanuts candy... but it is close.

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