CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE: Joe Biden Talking Supply Chains Or Jill Biden’s Holiday Reveal?
Live on WonkTV!
You can actually watch both, because one is at 1:30 (allegedly) and the other is at 2:00 (quote-unquote).
Evan Hurst on Twitter right here.
@evanjosephhurst on Threads!
I have profiles those other places but I think I forgot how to log on.
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All jokes aside, I can deal with compromise and I encourage it. We should strive to heal the divide and bringing people together.
But if I say, “let’s solve this problem together” and they say “the problem doesn’t exist! The problem is a satanic globalist plot to indoctrinate us into baby eating pedo cannibals!” Then how the fuck are we supposed to compromise? How the fuck are we supposed to agree on anything?
OT: Fixable phones?
Keeping your phone for five years reduces emissions by 31%. Yes, please!