At least it isn't Hotmail, in which case the email never would have arrived and there would have been no traffic jam.

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It's getting late for one of 'em to "move" to Wyoming.

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Can we now officially call him Corpus Christie?

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Oh, I think there's enough of a payback mentality in the NJ GOP that this will play well to Christie's base. He's a smirking baadass mothafucka. It may not even put the kibosh on his 2016 run. But it will sure as hell wipe out the swing vote.

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It's when they start using crazy spelling for the popular names to be different that really slays me. I'm glad I'm going to be retired before the really weird names hit. (I once taught a class with 6 Justins. Early 90's)

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Revenge is a dish best served piping hot, with lots of "neener-neener" comments.

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I agree. This sort of thing makes him seem more likely to nuke Iran.

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Should have had a Meeting Across The River.

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For his own constituents. Families trying to get their kids to school on the first day and then get to work, which is hard enough at the best of times. Because they didn't vote for him.

Representative government: how does it work again?

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Is that his gargling face?

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This traffic-gate thing (is anyone calling it that yet? this does deserve the "gate" right?) dovetails nicely with Christies "keep walkin'" theme

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Maddow's been flogging it extensively (and enjoyably) for maybe a month now?

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You know who <i>else</i> obstructed traffic to punish political enemies?

I don't either. Points for originality!

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We have one trying to extract himself from beneath the Niagara Falls Bridge.

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I bet he's an absolute hoot at the Golden Corral.

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I feel bad for all the Tea Party kids... the poor things aren't going to know if they should board the Christie bus or the Cruz bus.

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