with no means of communication with the outside world.

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and what line of work is that, if I may ask?

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it would be a hoot to see the big law and order asshole go on trial for being one -

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oh good. I'm glad you didn't say judge or hostage negotiator.

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Clearly, the only solution is not to do laundry at all. Everyone else can just hold their noses.

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C'mon, Bill, Bridget, David. Toss the fat fuck under the bus. You know you want to.

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am I bad for wanting to see him in a 'woman's small' orange jump suit?

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Ummmm... ok... I should be ok. Just have to find something else to stir the tub of hand laundry with and I'm safe.

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Excellent point - although if Drumpf comes close to the required number of electoral votes, BOTH the TV and the Soundbar will be moving pretty damned quickly...through the window.

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Not sure there is one for that.

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Poor dear. Perhaps once this is all over we can take up a collection and send her back to her home on Bizarro World.

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the fuck dude?

joe is a respected regular in these parts. as is the OT tradition.

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i will not make it that far i fear. i am too frail.

(and mainlining rex goliath)

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The only thing about Chris Christie that really frustrates me is that I don't think he could have gotten elected without any New Jersey Democrats voting for him and the thing is that the only reason I can see that anyone in our camp at the time would have voted for him is think back that was right around the time that the House Republicans started threatening to basically hold up disaster relief funds unless Democrats Agreed to Budget cuts in order to politically pressure Democratic officials in a highly cynical and downright morally deplorable way. So A lot of Democrats probably took note of Chris Christie Bucking the party and not demanding budetary cuts in order to Provide Sandy relief. But that right there is what any morally upright and decent human being should do. You shouldn't get Cookies that way for just doing the decent human thing. It should be expected. Anyways in the time since Bridgegate start to break I've felt extremely Vindicated because I remember looking for Barbara buono Videos when it became Evident that Chris Christie was going to TROUNCE Her on the way to the governors mansion and thinking she seemed kind of like a pretty nice lady- I didn't live in New Jersey though. So I remember feeling that Chris Christies election to the Govenors office was almost entirely style over substance in particular the Establishment Press and it's love affair with Bipartisanship.

When it came out that he'd used the Relief funds to produce Tourism ads and the Bridgegate scandal started to break I just started to feel highly vindicated becuase I remember screaming on Tumblr and in a few places at Democrats for having Supported him when he only did what we should have been able to EXPECT of a Governor without having to Reward him.

and then it turned out he hadn't even done that much.


But now it's Obvious that Chris Christie is a Vindictive bully and let this all be a lesson to Democratic voters that are letting the Media Seduce them with the False song of bipartisanship. (Oh look. I just Repurposed Political language from Republicans!) Seriously though Chris Christie was the Benefactor of the Soft Bigotry of Democrats low expectations of bipartisanship.

All I'm going to say is Vindicated.

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