Which really confirms they're political not tourist ads, pretty sure most people in New Jersey are aware of the Jersey shore and at least somewhat aware of the progress of the recovery. You guys probably don't really need to be told how strong you are, either.
In Canada, 5 weeks, but the ruling Tories have gotten into the habit of running attack ads against the opposition leaders whenever they feel about it. A good reason to not watch TV.
I'm outside the boroughs, but in the media market, sadly (means I have to endure all the shitty hit job ads from three states. McMahon was the worst).
Wow this will make that fellow what has funny lookin hare from the KY jelley state really hoop and holler, he will be demandin a hard blowin wind to come thru his state so he canz get an ad or 2 for being preseedent it just aint like fair or nothin that that heavyset fellow gets all the teevee time and muneez.maybe the funny hared should have a strollin around meetin with the muslin fellow and then he can get hims one of those hard blowin winds, cause we no he caused it just to be preseedent one more time
I don't know how many years of this campaigning I can handle. Isn't there some way to make it over sooner? Maybe we could just skip the midterms and go right to the presidential election, like they did in the sixth season of "The West Wing."
What is Governor Christie's Secret Sumo identity? Storm Killer?
Can you imagine Putin trying to steal <i>Christie&#039;s</i> superbowl ring? I thought not.
definitely &quot;as a whole&quot;
Which really confirms they&#39;re political not tourist ads, pretty sure most people in New Jersey are aware of the Jersey shore and at least somewhat aware of the progress of the recovery. You guys probably don&#39;t really need to be told how strong you are, either.
Stay away from teaching, then. I dread PD sessions- the lingo makes me cringe.
In Canada, 5 weeks, but the ruling Tories have gotten into the habit of running attack ads against the opposition leaders whenever they feel about it. A good reason to not watch TV.
He was too busy making commercials about how Obama&#039;s re-election would lead to 1000 years of damnation or whatever.
I&#39;m outside the boroughs, but in the media market, sadly (means I have to endure all the shitty hit job ads from three states. McMahon was the worst).
I guess this vid is not going to make the cut for &quot;The Fifteen Smallest Celebrity Breasts&quot;
<i>Stronger Than The Storm</i>
Yeah, but smell isn&#039;t everything.
Wow this will make that fellow what has funny lookin hare from the KY jelley state really hoop and holler, he will be demandin a hard blowin wind to come thru his state so he canz get an ad or 2 for being preseedent it just aint like fair or nothin that that heavyset fellow gets all the teevee time and muneez.maybe the funny hared should have a strollin around meetin with the muslin fellow and then he can get hims one of those hard blowin winds, cause we no he caused it just to be preseedent one more time
Come in for our Bottomless Sausage Fest!
But the fat came back the very next day, ⪠The fat came back, we thought it was a goner, The fat came back, it just wouldn&#039;t stay away. â«
<i>it is totally okay for Christie to spend $4.7 million from Hurricane Sandy relief money</i>
Most of it was used to restock the Craft Services table every half hour.
I don&#039;t know how many years of this campaigning I can handle. Isn&#039;t there some way to make it over sooner? Maybe we could just skip the midterms and go right to the presidential election, like they did in the sixth season of &quot;The West Wing.&quot;
Worst Shark Week commercial ever. Shouldn&#039;t he be <i>in</i> the water?