Or explaining why the money went to undamaged inland towns whose mayors were Christie chums.

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"Guys like you" = anyone who interrupts my photo op with substantive and informed questions.

Or, it might = everyone.

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The sad part is- there are millions of people out there that think that being a loud mouthed bully is presidential

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"Can't you just picture him as the Chief Diplomat of the United States?" No. No, I can't.

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The fact that the apparent candidates are even candidates says a lot about the reasons this country sucks so hard.

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From space. It's the only way to be sure!

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This guy didn't have weight-loss surgery. He may be on a diet of sorts, but if he'd had a radical surgery he'd be much, much, much smaller and a lot baggier now. Speaking from experience, anyhow.

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You know, I take back what I said about not making fun of Christie for his weight. This fuck-nutted wolverine deserves all the ugly and then some.

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...leading the "American Jihad"?

Why yes, yes I can.

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Solomon in reverse - "Fuck it - <i>I'LL</i> just eat the baby"

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Is it me, or does Chris Christie look more like Nixon these days?

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Shame they couldn't weld his fucking mouth shut.

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His stern reprimands just aren't the same when he's not <a href="http:\/\/thefinereport.com\/wp-content\/imagescaler\/5787c7461c87e88a8cff5c3b674da633.jpg" target="_blank">holding a huge ice cream cone</a>.

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Today, we all stand behind Christie. And the entire Commentariat vanished instantly.

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When Christie weighs in on something, you know it will be violent and forceful, and usually involves breaking something, mostly furniture.

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...the Republican debates for the presidential nominee is going to be <strong>AWESOME</strong>!!!

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