Trump is the guy at the dinner table that said he'd get the check knowing someone else would certainly pony up for it after his generous offer... They didn't. Now he's preznit.

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What actually is the point of posting a 3 year old article about the failure of a Wikileaks political party in Australia, and how does it relate to a USA commentary blog?! I'm genuinely curious.

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And he thinks smoking has zero health consequences.

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I think that word means ... exactly what you think it means.

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I'm with you and everyone else I encounter. Stand up and be heard.

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He will always be President Pussy Grabber.

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I personally will never forgive Congress schtupping Obama's SCOTUS pick. They must pay dearly for this malfeasance in the future.

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Hold on to your asses boys and girls, this shit just got real. Holy fuckamoles Fatman, we have put the meat grinder in charge of the hatchery and its going to drain the watering hole and plow the corn under before it is ripe. We are in for a world of hurt before this thing gets better.

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No, silly, you're supposed to pay $25.00 for the ticket to watch Lady Liberty pull the Trump Train. Don't you know anything about grifting?

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President Pussy Grabber. Pussy Grabber in chief.

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The thing I've always appreciated about Trump is that with enough rope, he'll hang himself. This time, though, he'll also hang Ryan, McConnell and the Congressional Republicans. Seriously. This is going to be a shit storm of epic proportions.

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seriously, I would sponsor you. Check my profile for my blog and get in touch.

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The change he's brining is that which he is taking out of the WH couches and chairs.

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What Rachel Book Harlot said. You did a LOT and a bunch more than most. Walk proud One Yield. Walk proud.

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The problem is that the only thing Trump knows how to do is fight with people. He fights in lieu of his incompetence. As long as you're attacking others, no one can question how much you actually know. He's going to fight with Congress, not cooperate. He won the election his way. He has been vindicated as a political genius. His ego is swolled to Jupitarian proportions. No one can tell him nothing no way no how. They'll manipulate him and he'll thrash and the whole goddamn thing will fall to pieces just like everything else Trump has ever touched in his entire life. He leaves a wake filled with destruction, death, and broken lives. It'll be the same here.

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I've thought this repeatedly. Trump is a paranoid counter-puncher. He doesn't know anything. He doesn't do anything. But he reacts. And he reacts violently. That's exactly what you want in the Oval Office with all the tools at his disposal and those willing to use them. If you thought Nixon and J Edgar Hoover were bad, Trump and Comey are going to be worse until Trump's utter incompetence pulls the tent down.

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