I don't know ... If I had to square off against Hillz in a bar fight, I would do everything I possibly could to protect my 'nads.

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and an RC cola.

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I...pack my kids lunch :) My self with my own hands, and what not. IMAGINE!!!!!!But,, you are basically saying :Kids should always like what they eat. Pleasure over nutrition!!!!!!!! Which is a weird thing for a parent to say. Ever. Srsly, you are allowed to make them eat broccoli, that is still a thing.Also, too, it is funny how in more liberal areas, the cheapest bidder (which since you missed it, is NOT always the cheapest bidder, they are often the most expensive and they bilk the system) the nutrition program is not so lop sided cheap assed cardboard food. So, it is not really inevitable. But like most folk I suppose I should be on board with throwing the baby out with the bathwater?Or, I can just tell my kids to shut up and eat their broccoli. Full disclosure: I don't have to do this because my kids like broccoli.

Edit: And finally- Every kid, really? Because that is not true and generally, when people use generalizations like that, they are generally wrong. There was a whole story in Nat Geo a few months back about how most kids are on board with the nutrition thingy thing, and lots more are just happy to eat at all. So yeah. Not every kid. Maybe just priviledged special snowflakes who are never told no by "buddy" dad and "bff" mom.

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A balanced diet is a fudge sundae in each hand.

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Christie calls Obama "a petulant child." This from a guy who created traffic jams for a week on end to punish a mayor who refused to endorse him.

Oh wait, that was his underlings. So glad NJ has a governor who hires people capable of petty, spiteful pranks that punish innocent citizens, and lets them carry them out under his nose without his knowledge. That's exactly the kind of good personnel judgment and hands-on administrative skill we need in the Oval Office.

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So you're writing this from intensive care?

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No, we mean don't fuck with fags. We didn't learn to fight because we like fighting, we learned because getting beat up sucks in a not fun way. The more Nelly the Queen, the more likely that they'll kick your ass - badly.

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Yep.Years ago when I couldn't keep my pregnancy vitamins down, my Dr. just shrugged. "All vitamins mean is that the rats in your sewers will be big."

Kind of cynical, but made me feel better.

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The sixth step - toward the liquor cabinet!

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I don't care what you eat for lunch every day. I really don't.Wow, man. You can read that as either "wow, so freedom, very leader, wow" or "you urchins can eat radioactive carbon rods for all I care."

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Chris Christie releases new campaign ad: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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“I don’t care what you’re eating for lunch every day. I really don’t,” the New Jersey governor and Republican presidential contender told a student during a town hall Monday. “If I’m president, back to whatever you want to eat.”

Desperation level: master. When your campaign is so off the rails that you're pandering to people who can't even fucking vote.

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Bad drunk! Why is it so far away?

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Maybe you just REALLY like beer. I know I do.

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Bacon fixes everything.

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