Did the comment sentries fall asleep at their posts or what? What is all this shit?

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Just the tip of the iceberg...?

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I've never seen a fat bird.

Other than a turkey, of course...

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He's probably banned from the Golden Corral All-U-Can-Eat Shrimp Buffet (Senior Special 4:00 - 5:30 pm).

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I thought "Hagiography" was another tired telling of Gen. Alexander's "I'm in charge here" story.

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You've got a dirty mind. I like that.

I'm not so sure about the "attractive woman" part...

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A rule of thumb is usury is over 1 1/2% per month - 18% per year. Not hard and fast - but, then, I don't think Gov. Cristie is, either.

Mortgage interest isn't typically "compounded" because it's paid every month.

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Christie makes New Jerseans proud of The Situation and Snooki.

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And now has Type 2 diabetes.

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"You're from New Jersey? Which exit?"

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