You know...separate that image from the Christies and it sounds kinda fun.

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I am Dashboard...destroyer of boners.

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In fact, I think Christie's pet name for his wife was My Little Cream Filled Doughnut.

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All of them, Katie

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"[ed.note: we now have just the loveliest mental image in our head of Gov. Christie waking up each morning, marching through the halls of Drumthwacket, and pounding a meaty fist down on his desk and shouting "Time to make the donuts!!" The first mental image of Gov. Christie that we're ok with!!]"

I think a better mental illness is seeing Christie being forced to stand in the center of the frat rec hall eating his doughnut while the RA forces his frat brothers to do pushups.

And then of course comes the soap party.

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During...off of each others fat quaking bodies

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Looking at Christie and his ilk all I can say is...

We *are*... in a world... of shit.

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