I can't be that pissed off at Pence - I already thought that he was thoroughly evil from day one.

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I have ALWAYS been uncomfortable with appearance shaming. Let's just say that Christie and 45 must be very unhealthy and they need to do something about it.

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I want to upvote you on your addiction thoughts as well.

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Please, that's the "Teacher, you forgot to assign us homework!" of bullshit Washington politics.

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Not really. He was a fairly good prosecutor back in the day. I think that becoming Governor triggered ambition that he isn't built for - he's not one of the rich and powerful, he isn't famous, he's not a made man, but he wants to be all of those things, and grifters like Trump and the entire GOP can smell his neediness.

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I had given Pence the benefit of the doubt previously because it seemed possible he is stupid enough that Flynn fooled him - but the evidence says otherwise. LOCK HIM UP!

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Meh. It was Christie's choice to let Trump touch him. His judgment there was a good as his judgment in hiring aides, or anything else. I have zero sympathy for him.

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He's smart but doesn't seem to have much emotional intelligence.

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Bleh. Rotten to-may-to, rotten to-mah-to.

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See, we went through this with Bush and Cheney. If the front man is an idiot, then his running mate is going to be the Prince of Darkness.

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Exactly. They all thought Eric Cantor would be handling this.

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Pence would fit right in with the Republic of Gilead,* which makes him scary as fuck twice over, imho____*handmaid's tale reference, for those not in the loop

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how the fuck did Christie become privileged to classified info?

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So, loved this article, even up-hearted it, but I must make my sporadic note on Christie being a Big Feller.

I'd be perfectly ok if I never had to hear or read another fat joke about Christie, who is vile enough on actual merits. No need to drag fat shaming into the picture.

This ends my mild, bi-annual rant about fat shaming this admittedly disgusting piece of craven shit.

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Well, tell ya what, Chris, you just publicly incriminated yourself while trying to incriminate others. That's clumsy.

Admittedly, they are worse than you but you stuck your nose into it, so you are now the current first-level target.

Being an attorney and all, you should have thought of this.

Make the plea deal first, dude! Behind closed doors.

If you were angling for a White House job this way, you were sooooooo off the target.

There is no way that Trump is going to turn on Jared, chief pimp-my-wife consultant until he finally does.

Until then, Jared hates you, man. You put his father's crooked ass in jail. Get the picture?

I amazed at how dumb these supposedly wise guys can act on the most basic cover-your-ass level.

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