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so attention is somehow bad?

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If you're doing some hinky bullshit, yeah!

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Seuer or sewer? Is there a difference with TFG?

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Great, now Haberman AND Cilizza are going to be mad

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we need one more for the trifecta (can we upset charlie kirk?)

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not really TBH

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do you need to breathe into a paper bag?

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Could someone please tell me (first without snark, then go wild if ya like) how to pronounce his last name? I've yet to hear it spoken, only seen it (way too often) in print. I don't know from Italian pronunciations other than pizza. :)

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Yes, it was a throwaway joke I found it difficult to avoid making. Your own comments, however, are far more insightful.

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"It seems blatantly obvious to me that pushing vaccines that haven't undergone long term trials is reckless and dangerous."

As dangerous as the risk of contracting a disease with a death toll of over 700, 000 just in the US?

"The data looks to support my observation, with about 500 annual deaths reported to VAERS for all non-covid vaccines together, the 15,000 reported covid vaccine deaths in VAERS should lead us to investigate with a sampling of autopsies and the CDC ought to issue some autopsy reports. But all we can hear from the CDC are crickets."

You say you like raw data, then tout VAERS, where anyone can say anything and it doesn't have to be backed by data or investigation. "Noise" in this case is "bullshit".

By the same standards as VAERS reporting I can say I know dozens of people who have been vaccinated and are perfectly fine.

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No, it's that I know what fascism actually is. As I say, I can recommend a reading list if you're interested.I would suggest starting with Robert O Paxton's The Anatomy of Fascism- it's clear straightforward and assesses numerous fascist and proto-fascism systems to identify commonalities in approach and- importantly- ethos. Obviously there's Arendt's The Origins of Totalitarianism, but as you likely know the foundational premise is questioned. It's insights into the workings of a fascist regime are still relevant and useful though. I would also suggest Visions of Annihilation: The Ustasa Regime and the Cultural Politics of Fascism, 1941-1945 by Rory Yeomans which explores how a specific fascist regime operated.


For more convenient reading there is Dr. Lawrence Britt's fascism check list from 2003.

Not everything you dislike is fascist, but (before you again charge me with being blinkered) often things the left objects to actually are.(Woo-woo pseudo-medicine falls into this category also, as the affinity of woo-peddlers for fascism was pretty well documented by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke and others.)

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How Cillizza makes a living out of stating, in the most condescending style, the blindingly obvious stuff as "analysis" is just astounding. He even videos himself, so he doesn't have to do any actual writing.

I'm assuming CNN are running down his contract?

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Okay, its easy.

Imagine Stephen Miller trying to say Ferrari with a dick in his mouth,

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So...you don't know either, or you just decided to skip over the first part of my request and dash straight to the going wild part?

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Cillizza blows Mickey Kaus's goats.

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