I know this is terrible to say, but when I first saw the pic I assumed this would be about a GOP someone. So shame on me, trafficking in stereotypes.

I do think he'll do better if he switches parties, though.

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This is so true!

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It won't help much as far as getting rid of Sasse. And the runner up can't run. So it's a FUBAR situation.

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People will excuse ANY amount of racism or even rapeyness if it comes from a "cool guy'

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No, but it will send a good message to future fuckwits who think to ride the Dem ticket- when democrats want you gone? We mean it.TBH, he didn't have much chance against Sasse before this shit, even with his good cake

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People are the worst.I have to often remind myself that they are also the best. Though usually not at the same time.I've called down my own family members for cryin' out loud, and they've learned to at least shut it in my hearing.AND still ask me to Christmas every year

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To go theological for a moment: in theory, Christianity is supposed to be a reconciliation of the fact that everyone's a bit garbage with the idea that everyone can do better and become a decent person. But American Evangelical Christianity has boiled that down to: "I can be as shitty as I like, JEEBUS forgave me"

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There's still time! Trump could call him up and use him as a good Dem with Republican values!

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He’s got the ham-faced fuckwad look of a typical GOPer, I’m sure he can find a home with them. Now, git, Hammy!

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If it were Scranton PA rather than Arkansas I'd a guessed Schrute Beet Farms. I mean, gosh, the poor girl even looks a bit like Angela.

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Not the best representative of the Dem party, I'm thinking.

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We Protestant kids always envied the Catholics* who could just go to confession Sunday and start out with a clean slate.

*the biggest hell-raisers.

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Cisgenderheterosexually speaking, you mean?

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I actually envy them because forgiveness isn't free. Sure it's the prayer equivalent of writing lines on a chalkboard but you don't just walk into a confessional and walk out pardoned, you're given homework.

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... I was raised Catholic and envied the Protestants who didn't have to go to confession because Jesus forgave everything always in advance

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