Let's cruise on down to the comme- GAH

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She married a YOOOOGE pile of money, is what she married.

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If I have an erection lasting four hours, I'm calling a hooker, not some stupid doctor.

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In fairness, Chris is sort of bi-political. Remember seven years ago when he told us that Obama made his lower extremities tingle?

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Let's face it, Chris Matthews' mouth is on speed dial with his reptilian brain. He's lucky they cut to commercial before we got to Chris's analysis of the rest of this "entrepreneur".

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"Yep, she's going in the slideshow."

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Not me

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Still though to this day his withering takedown of Reince Preibus was a thing of beauty.

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Well, certainly a huge, steaming pile of something...

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Mathews attempting to interview Elizabeth Banks?[img]http://i.imgur.com/79kMpNd.gif[/img]

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I thought it was subtle word play, double entendre style.

I googled it. We're both right. :-)

"Oh they do respect her but They love to watch her strut"

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These stories piss me off for so many reasons, but most because as a woman you can accomplish incredible things that Chris Matthews could only ever dream of, and yet there is probably a Chris Matthews at your place of work making sure you feel uncomfortable, are treated with condescension, or are never next in line for a promotion.

The Chris Matthewses of the world are fucking inescapable and are in power at every fucking level and in every sphere no matter how hard I work or how smart I am. And the worst part is you have no clue who in your office is a Chris Matthews until he slips up and says some shit.

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Also also the time he said Bill had to “keep her on a short leash.“

Right. Bill has to keep Hillary on a short leash.

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He was certainly turned on by the sight of Dubya in a flight suit.

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I would have said "reptilian."

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As much as I hate to even think about this-it would take an elephant sized syringe of Viagra and a blast of 440 volt electric shock to get Chris Matthews to be able to perform.

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