Hey, that isn't Chris Matthews! It's Richard Wolffe, who rose to prominence playing one of the <a href="http:\/\/www.theparanomalist.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2009\/10\/talosian-alien.jpg" target="_blank">telepathic aliens</a> on the old Star Trek.

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Wretched refuse.

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A higgledy-piddledy collection of documents that condemn homosexuality with the same vigor it reserves for cotton-polyester blends, no less.

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That brief clip is proof nobody listens to Chris Matthews (including Chris Matthews) and why he should be ignored.

He compares a "long form certificate of live birth" with a "thinner form" and his cogent analysis consists of "I'm not sure it [the second form] has less information."

Here's a free tip on how to be a journalist: Read it!

Matthews states it is a "manufactured controversy" and he wants to "end this nonsense" and then adds fuel to the fire. Whiskey Tango Foxtwat?

Matthews asked "Are you saying 43% of the country is incorrigibly stupid?" Yes - based on the number of people who voted for McCain/Palin - the figure is at least that high.


Wonkette Comment #300 - thanx to one and all for your support! Anybody here from Connecticut? I'll be here all week...try the sea bass...

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Mathews needs to STFU. I mean that literally: He never stops talking, never lets his guests* answer a question, and focuses on the most peripheral issue imaginable. Like how Sarah Palin waves her hand. _________________ * mannequins used as stage props

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Obama should offer to release his original birth certificate when Chris Matthews releases his discharge papers from the mental institution.

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