Evening all. 🦕


It's 💋National Day of Slutty Internet Flirting That's Bound To Go Nowhere But Is Pretty Fun Anyway o'clock somewhere.


Today is April 15 (Monday)

🇲🇱 Declaration of Malacca as a Historical City (Malaysia)

🐖 International Microvolunteering Day

🐖 Jackie Robinson Day

🐖 National Anime Day

🐖 National ASL Day

🐖 National Glazed Spiral Ham Day

🐖 National Griper’s Day

🐖 National Laundry Day

🐖 National Rubber Erasure Day

🐖 National That Sucks Day

🐖 One Boston Day

🐖 Purple Up Day

🐖 Take a Wild Guess Day

🐖 Tax Day

🐖 Titanic Remembrance Day

🐖 Type 1 Diabetes Day in Honor of Jakya Monique Furtick

🐖 Universal Day of Culture

🐖 World Art Day

This week is

🌎 Animal Control Appreciation Week

🌎 National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week

🌎 Pan American Week

🌎 Animal Cruelty / Human Violence Awareness Week

🇨🇦 Canada Book Week

🌎 Money Smart Week

🌎 National Freelance Business Week

🌎 National Work Zone Awareness Week

🌎 Oral Head and Neck Cancer Week

🌎 Cleaning for a Reason Week

🌎 Fibroid Awareness Week

🌎 Global Campaign for Education Action Week

🌎 Health Information Professionals Week

🌎 Cloth Nappy Week

🌎 National Dance Week

🌎 National Environmental Education Week

🌎 Undergraduate Research Week

🌓On this day the Moon will be in a First Quarter phase. This phase occurs roughly 7 days after the New Moon when the moon is one quarter of the way through its orbit around the earth. Exactly half the moon will be illuminated and half dark. On the day of the First Quarter phase the moon is high overhead at sunset and is visible until mid-night when it sets in the west. The First Quarter phase is a one-day event and in the following days enters a Waxing Gibbous phase becoming more illuminated each day until the Full Moon.

Phase: First Quarter

Illumination: 47%

Moon Age: 7.09 days

Moon Angle: 0.51

Moon Distance: 394,254.32 km

Sun Angle: 0.53

Sun Distance: 150,139,049.21 km

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

Sununu reminds me of the conmen id see on the streets when I lived in Chicago. Those fast talking guys who’d walk up asking you to donate to some cause while waving around a flyer you couldn’t quite see. He’s a conman, a grifter, and liar. And when he was called on his blatant hypocrisy there wasn’t a hint of shame. Of all the Republicans on tv, he grates on me the worst. Yes. He’s even worse than DeSantis. Barely. He’s part of that Nancy Mace- JD Vance triangle. They don’t understand that if there’s ever a right wing revolution, they will be its first victims.

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I've said it since Chris first expressed an interest in politics. A Sununu is a Sununu is a Sununu.

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At least Sununu didn't accuse Stephanopoulos of rape shaming him.

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Sununu’s running for president in 2028, he was hoping to be Nikki’s veep. With this latest triangulation, he just opted to join the losing side. When Trump loses the election this November, there’s going to be a battle for control of the Republican party. Liz Cheney and a handful of other Republicans (Pence, Christie, Haley) will lead the ascendant anti-MAGA brigade (Sununu could have been one of them). Trump and his backers will flail about, struggling to keep MAGA alive, but that is doomed (maybe to become a third party). Trump himself, a loser once again, will become irrelevant. All the others who had bowed to Trump will suddenly look ridiculous and cowardly, scrambling to delete their Twitter histories. Denial will be the order of the day, but that’s a failing strategy. Sununu will become a footnote. It’s a dumb move.

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As long as the majority of the largest voting bloc in the country supports Republicans, they aren’t going anywhere and they aren’t really going to pay a price for whatever they do.

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Chris Sununu translated: Humana, humana, humana.

It's cute Chris thinks he might be Vice President.

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Lil Chrissie is just trying to outdo his father & get the endorsement of the batshit crazies at the Union Leader.

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The MOMENT a Republican speaks out against Dear Leader they are immediately cast out as an apostate and Sununu knows it.

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"I mean, I could vote for a totally vile criminal, or a decent person who's done a good job. WHAT CHOICE DO I HAVE?!"

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In what election, ever?


SUNUNU: As does 51 percent of America, George. I mean, really.

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I don't endorse politician facepunching.

But it bothers me somewhat less for some faces.

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Testify, Michael. Amen.

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As utterly worthless as his sire.

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The domestic terrorists who attacked the United States Capitol must be held accountable and prosecuted

but he's still better than a Democrat especially an old one...

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His last name is and has always been Sununu.

Do people not remember who his father was and who he served?

Why did anyone ever think he would ever DO anything different, regardless of what he SAID ...??

#WatchWhatTheyDONotWhatTheySAY - h/t Rachel Maddow

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