Anything owned by Drumpf eventually goes belly up, so…

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November 2020 would be a lovely time for that to happen.

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I think that's like being 53% pregnant.

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I was going to go with “What if you were being investigated for a crime, and you grabbed the only witness, chained him in a steamer trunk, and put him on a slow boat to Namibia so he couldn’t talk to the investigators?” But I think we’re on the same page.

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I wish our KARMIC system had a faster payback loop for ALL these fuckers.

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It's almost as though Chris Wallace isn't even aware that he works for the propaganda arm of the corporate right.

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The big difference is that Trump is making a lot of noise and saying the quiet parts out loud. The GOP knew how to be quietly corrupt such that it didn’t generate so much pushback. They preferred to be able to say they were honorable while still operating away from prying eyes. And, to a great extent, they were successful. Trump is making targets out of them. No matter how emboldened his base feels, the ones that are just along for the ride are still going to have to co-mingle with the rest of society, where they will face more pressure and be outnumbered.

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He would, though, wouldn't he?

I mean, Donald Junior is still trying to impress his

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That'll happen when we don't have a bought & paid for asset running the FCC anymore.

Right now, we don't have that.



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Just like Bolton, W, and the ghosts of McCain and Reagan.

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Found this on Twitter, and, though I usually discount these things, thought this was pretty solid. Really, Trump should be barred from running anything and be under a doctor’s care. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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No, the Senate is not the House.

These days it's not even the Senate. It's a wholly owned subsidiary of trump's, full of terrified, cowardly minions.

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Only 53% owned subsidiary

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It's really surprising Faux hasn't fired him yet.


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Chris Wallace just went and fucked up a perfectly good lie and Ms. Blondie did her hair and everything.

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