The Supreme Court of India during the early years of British rule (which employed native pundits to interpret the śastras)?

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I hate Peggy Noonan. I can't even indulge in playful snark about Peggy Noonan. She bought into Saint Ronnie early on, based on nothing but his personal presence, and she employed her speech-writing skills (which were, sadly, decent until she succumbed to rich-has-been syndrome) to further the goals of Ronnie's handlers.

I hate Peggy Noonan. I cannot imagine the event or series of events that would make me stop hating Peggy Noonan.


EDIT: Maybe if she personally took out Scalia.

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Mitt: "... in the end, I blame society. Society is what made me the way I am" <coughs, dies> Noonan: "No, Mitt, you're just another rich douchebag, just like me"

edit: damnit, someone beat me to it

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Praying mantis are beautiful insects with a voracious appetite, and a delight to have in the garden. Being strictly carnivorous, they'll eat almost any insect of a size they can overcome. Waiting in quiet ambush for hours at a time, when an insect comes wandering by they suddenly jump out and attack - always biting the neck first.

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Mantids have NO problem with cannibalism and will "thin the herd" themselves. Chris Wallace - you have been warned.

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these are really great reading (seriously - just fab).

however, i do find it hard to believe peggy could actually keep a blade steady enough to do any damage.

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I saw it from my front porch this AM. It was an awesome sight.

I really hope we resurrect more space exploration in the next two decades.

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Completely OT, but am so freaking excited to see the Space Shuttle fly over San Francisco this morning.

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So...what's the beltway-revered unofficial official book about this campaign going to be called? "Blame Change"? "Tales of the Circular Firing Squad"? "Clusterfuck"? "Dog Shit"?


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