I was told at a fairly early age that the Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, was the first mainline church to acknowledge that there existed more than one church that could pave your way to heaven. This was when all the other faiths were claiming they were the only one that held exclusive access to the kingdom. The Roman Catholics were, and perhaps still are, the only ones that make a big to do about it.

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It's my understanding their membership generally is the upper Midwest Central and the South, but not the Deep South. I have been told that in the City of Memphis the DoC and the Baptists have the largest congegatioons in the city. I think their founders were Presbyterian ministers from Kentucky. The baptise by emersion, around age 12, and take Communion every Sunday, both like in the Baptist church. The baptistry has a prominant position nesr the altar. I have never heard of them doing a river baptism. Communion is symbolic, not the real deal, like the Roman Catholics. They have fully ordained women into the ministry for decades. Their ability to transistion with the times rests more with their lack of a 1,500 to 2,000 year European history than with being liberal by design. It's more of a pragmatic thing. A multilayered bureaucracy that is stuck firmly in a world of 2,000 years ago does not exist.

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Thanks Bill. In the northeastern cities Catholicism is/was predominant due to the influx of immigrants from Ireland, Italy, Poland, etc., followed by the large mainstream Protestants like Lutheran and Episcopalian. The demographics have changed so have the makeup of religious groups. BTW, "multilayered bureaucracy" is a nice way of saying "largest criminal syndicate in the history of the world". : )

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Gotta represent my hometown, it's not often that the city's referenced positively.

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Heck, my state (NY) has any number of large convention centers. Oh, and we don't have a similar law to Indiana. I'm sure we'll be more than happy to take the money. :-)

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Home of the Jackson Five!

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And you can drive along the highway that the former governor sold to private industry!

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During the summer, you can take in a Mud Hens game!

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I live right next to Indiana. Sadly enough, anywhere outside of Indy and a couple of other towns, this law is the best thing since sliced bread.

Just as an example, my indiana hometown's (pop. 12,000) high school had, until 2014, a rule for prom stating the only couples allowed would be "traditional" couples. No icky mixed race, no gays or lesbians, just homegrown corn-fed boys and girls as Gawd intended.

There were a few attempts to challenge the rule, but the school board pulled the "Hey we're not responsible I know we provide the location, chaperones, advertising, decoration budgets etc, but the actual prom itself is run by private citizens take it up with them."

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But I thought all religious people were supposed to hate gays...

But in all seriousness, what the Disciples of Christ is doing is very good. The truth is that the extremist Religious Right folks do NOT speak for every Christian (or person of faith, for that matter) in this country.

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That's my church. :)

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You must be so proud!

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Which some of the local counties are buying back because the company is going bankrupt.

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Same here.

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Think we could get someone to move the Mason-Dixon line?

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