I’m sick of these religious bigots. Fuck em.

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Will no one stand up for catamites?

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And this is why there are abortions get it you "righteous" morons.

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Oh, G-d, please give us freedom from religious nuts!

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Unless she admitted to getting pregnant by having premarital sex, he is merely assuming she had sex. He doesn't know that. He is libeling her.

It's entirely possible to get pregnant without sex. She may have previously frozen fertilized ovum, or may have used artificial insemination.

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I have found that to be true in the medical professions, also.

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Dave no doubts regrets we no longer live in a time when such behavior would be the subject of a village stoning or at least a good whipping.

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So, he would have, if consistent, fired the Virgin Mary because even though she said it was God's Holy Spirit, it was still something funny so the slut had to hit the bricks,


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Of course, this begs the question - who'd want to work for this asshole anyway?

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I had a job interview one time with a woman who opened a coffee shop near the local college campus, to run IT for her. The interview was going really great until she looked into my eyes and said, "and I just owe everything to the Lord, he's the reason I have this business." Of course I mumbled something about "yeah, that's great" and I could see that because I didn't instantly say "Hallelujah!" she wasn't going to hire me. So glad she wore her faith on her sleeve, so that I didn't make the mistake of working there.

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And probably jumped the line to get it before he was supposed to!

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When I had my first Moderna shot I became incredibly sleepy about four hours later. As if I had taken a sleeping pill. And I'm not a nap person. I went to bed and slept soundly for three hours. When I awoke I had no other symptoms. My mom, who is 94, had both her Moderna shots but we can't tell if she had that side effect because she sleeps off and on all day, every day.

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This. The only play they know is 'indoctrinate harder'.

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Many, many churches took the opportunity to invest in upgraded IT solutions and pipe their sermons online. Heck, some of them already had that investment made - thinking of the canned sermons from Reverend Stanley or Thieme, which already got piped to other mega churches across the country from their point of origin. Bumping everything online cost a little bit up front, but ultimately allowed them to reach an even wider audience.

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Nobody has been able to show me examples of Jesus preaching inside of buildings. The Romans didn't generally allow church buildings.

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The Ambassador from Meepzorp on Line 3 for you - He sounds angry...

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