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Belated Darlington County upfist.

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Death for almost everybody! Fines for those who induce a miscarriage!

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Just a remark that it's impressive when a fairly simple observation (BTW, I agree with you) can start up such a wide ranging comment stream.

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Wait a mo. WTF is a "trespass offering"?

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Hate the sin, hate the fuckers.

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Winner winner...chicken dinner.

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That was one of the best moments- of many- of the series. And, if I recall, I believe that the bitch in question was, at that moment, eating a - wait for it- crab puff.

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Except for where, in Gen 2, Adam is lonely, and God makes the animals to keep him company (and Adam gets to name eight million species - good thing he lived for several centuries!) The Fundies seem to prefer Gen 1, where God makes the critters first, and then makes Adam to serve as the boss. No particular reason for choosing one over the other, but they are forced to explain away whichever one they decide isn't literally true.

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Looks like Utopia is a ways off yet.

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Whoa, whoa, whoa ... Pretty much everyone in Leviticus 20 gets put to death. And what about <a href="http:\/\/www.biblegateway.com\/passage\/\?search=Leviticus 19&amp\;version=NIV" target="_blank">Leviticus 19</a>? Specifically Leviticus 19:19: <i> ...19 “‘Keep my decrees.

“‘Do not mate different kinds of animals.

“‘Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed.

“‘Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material. </i> So, mules are forbidden? And blended fabrics? And I'm not sure what to make of the rest.

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Cud-chewing bunnies?

Lots of weird shit in the Bibble (not just Leviticus), which the fundies find various excuses to say is NOT literal, as opposed to the stuff that IS literal, which is obviously different because, hey, they want to believe SOME of this weird shit, just not ALL of it, and they get to choose because ... ehhh, they never do explain that. (Like why Genesis I is literally true, and Genesis II, meh, not so much.)

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Might as well sprinkle a bit of Parmesan on them while you're at it.

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That's why they don't want gays as neighbors, doh.

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He had two fathers in any event.

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According to everyone on my hometown TV station's Facebook page, the First Amendment allows public figures to trash gays but it does not allow the public figures to be trashed themselves. It's an interesting interpretation.

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