so lemme recap: kinda middle of the road politics, got a few major bills passed, cut some taxes, treading a moderate line on the world stage with moderate success, working on that arab-israeli peace at an early date, trying to contain iran / limit nuclear weapons, mopping up our wars of misadventure, talking about deficit reduction in a rational way...

where is this terrible-ness of the o'bama administration?

oh, wait right: that black man is taking away our trans fats.

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If she ends up on the talk shows as often as John McCain now that she's lost I'm going to switch parties and join the Taliban.

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She will need a time machine if she wants her muff dived, lesbians have been courageously shaving their pink vacuums since the 1980's.

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I'm Welsh and do not subscribe to said theories, maybe its because I'm intellectually lazy but those conspiracies they talk about seem to take up a large portion of their daily thinking regiment, all that cortical juice I need for work and school.

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God a' mighty...you don't think she secretly faps to pictures of Hillary in a pantsuit. My god...I think I just ruined sex for myself forever.

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<i>"I'm not a switch."</i>

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I envy your dementia.

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Or dimensions.

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