Is there a chapter called "Pudding: Comes in Cups" ?

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From the press release:

"O’Donnell will do TV, radio, and print publicity, and will go on an author to New York, Washington, Delaware, and other a number of other cities."

If St. Martins Press can't edit this, how can it handle an entire book? Among the astonishing number of errors packed into one sentence, when did Delaware become a city? Although, based on population, that's probably correct.

Finally - if she will "go on an author" she should know I'm quite the writer...

[Redacted] I was downfisted for this? WoW! I've never gonna make 100p.

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DMT dildo for the win.

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We call them spacebags out here on the west coast. I keep them after drinking the wine to fill them later with ice cubes, tequila and margaritas mix for concerts in the park.

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I've heard Americans called a lot of things, small is not one of them.

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Grammar Nazis are only up fisted if they are beyond cruel.

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Quick, more corn syrup! We're too small!

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not really 'trouble-maker' christine. more like 'laughing-stock'.

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you know i envy the romans and the british. in the waning days of their empires, they didn't have to deal with wingtards on the internet.

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FAIL! She has <i>no</i> flag jewelry in her picture.

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