Why the fuck do you want something that looks like a Nantucket estate in New Orleans? Isn't New Orleans style distinctive enough?

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She quit before she finished.

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Still, a half mil in half a year ain't bad.

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Good find.

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In the photo, I think she resembles Charlie Sheen in a bad wig, at least from the neck up.

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Apparently McMarlin was lighting up the HBO switchboard to defend Sarahlou's honor against the filthy smear she claimed <em>Game Change</em> to be.

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Has Sarah actually read "50 shades of Grey"? She's definitely the target audience, but she can't read. I bet she claims to have read it, though.

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Those beer koozies don't buy themselves....

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It's like another Klondike! The Palin family will spend the next half century living large off Grisly Mama's strike. Eventually they'll drop by the wayside, probably when Piper's granddaughter Aurora Boreatchya is busted for filming porn shots of her fellow kindergarteners.

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How many strategy sessions does she get for $7500 a month?

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There was at least one payment to Wal*mart.

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She has probably tried.

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Yeah, I suppose they don’t want to come off as too cerebral.

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Shot glasses, beer koozies and keychains from all the red states

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I found something interesting on Teh Googlz, from 2010: <a href="http://tpmmuckraker.talking..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/07...">http://tpmmuckraker.talking...

This adds to my confusion, at least for now:

<blockquote>Palin paid $35,000 to Grey Strategies, a Columbus firm that helped her with media, logistics and political consulting. It appears to now be a newly merged firm called Grey Shockley, run by lobbyists Doug McMarlin and Leslie Beyer. According to Hotline on Call, McMarlin also travels with Palin.</blockquote>

(TPM's link to Grey Shockley is dead, but GS' company registration is still <a href="http:\/\/www2.sos.state.oh.us\/pls\/bsqry\/f\?p=100:7:1365813728207603::NO:7:P7_CHARTER_NUM:1534059" target="_blank">active</a>)

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