Lack of a reply can only be interpreted as admission that she's not.

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I know this time it's not Hitler. Right?

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I don't actually get the popups, all that crap is blocked, but I get some pretty crazy effects where it really, really <em>wants</em> to pop something up :(

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Ewww...I just spent several moments of my diminishing time among the quick to read that? Gotta way with words, man, but "Wallace Shawn?" That my dear boy goes to far. After sitting through "My Dinner with Andre" I thought I could sit thru anything until I read your post. Now? Not so sure. Ewwww....

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This frees Cochran to head back to the barnyard.

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"Still, she’s just about the only one in the story who came out of it with a shred of dignity intact."

Let's hope all the other politicians out there follow her example.

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Let's not give him any ideas.

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Hey Yr Wonkette, I don't think you've got enough JavaScript on your pages ... I'm still sometimes able to read them :(

Really, I know you've got to bring in the advertising moniez to keep the tubes running and all, but it's getting just a tad invasive when I can't even read the text due to all the shit popping up over it ... just sayin'

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and blaming libruls...

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I don't think there are rules that the chicken really has to be alive.

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Has anyone asked the ginger furby if he's shit on any floors lately? <a href="http://theconcourse.deadspi..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://theconcourse.deadspin.com/wait-did-clowntr...">http://theconcourse.deadspi...

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Gee when you put it that way it sounds kind of mean

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Fucking Nino must've slept through the whole "cruel and unusual" part of law school. Funny thing- the constitution doesn't mention abortion or contraception either, but that tidbit doesn't seem to stop him from violating his 'originalist' shtick to rule against them...

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Team Meteor.

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