It's all about the motivation, ain't it?

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Not mine, I think Richard Lederer

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What a great interview!! And everything he said about music is totally true!! Wow, I love him!!

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A good likeness...

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It works. God just takes care to make it look totally random.

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Did Chuck Grassley just admit to interfering in the Russia investigation for political purposes? And is he now claiming a right to veto executive branch policy decisions because Jeff Session owes him?I'm wondering if somewhere in the backs of their minds, maybe not even consciously, they believe that with all the gerrymandering, stacking the SCOTUS, hyperpartisianship, the RW "bubble", etc., etc., they think they've advanced the oligarchy far even along that they're basically untouchable? That they can say whatever they want, because they (or their chosen successor) will reliably stay in office will only listen to what the Mighty Wurlitzer tells them anyway, and election fuckery will keep the opposition neutered.

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Mandatory minimums are insane and have been insane for years. Set aside for a moment that drug possession charges should carry, at most, light sentences or probation with mandatory drug treatment, which is an actual solution to drug abuse that doesn't crowd our jails, cost tens of thousands more PER INMATE EACH YEAR versus the cost of probation and treatment or destroy any hope that inmate has for a productive future. Ignore that. Even if drug possession charges were deserving of more serious punishment, you enact laws (minimum sentence guidelines) that tie the hands of prosecutors, judges and defense attorneys, such that individual circumstances don't matter at all? You eliminate judicial discretion by LEGISLATING PUNISHMENT in cases that haven't happened yet, and which you know NOTHING about? Every person, every situation, is to be treated exactly THE SAME? LOCK 'EM ALL UP! That's the solution? If violent crime is involved, maybe. If trafficking to schools and neighborhoods is the crime, maybe. But possession? Drug addicts and users are thrown in jail for years, decades even, because they put a banned substance in their own body. I'm no angel, and I know a thing 'er three about imbibing, and the GOP and this circus administration have no clue how to fairly deal with drug offenders, and the larger opium epidemic. Pssst, it's treatment. Treatment. Treatment. Treatment. Most addicts will tell you, even after taking a hit, sometimes especially after taking a hit, that they WANT treatment. They WANT to stop using. Most won't, unless forced to by one of the three L's. (your LIVER, your LOVER, or the LAW). Make treatment available. Make it part of the sentencing guidelines. Pour money into more treatment facilities and make education, treatment and relapse prevention your mission. The penal system costs will plummet. Fewer addicts, fewer drug crimes. Fewer crimes to fund addiction. Fewer stupid crimes due to impaired judgment. Support Methadone and Suboxone clinics and doctors. There are solutions which are real, and seem obvious. Maybe only to us crazy, broken-brained former dopers. Or worse, a Democrat.

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Prayer works but in the new RWXitianity you have to pay bigly for it to be heard.

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Don't count on our Presnident to dig into anything other than his daily bucket of KFC.

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ROFL Grassley is hilariously naive... yes, Drumph NEEDS some bipartisan "wins", unfortunately, to him a "bipartisan win" is where the GOP does whatever he wants and the Dems rubber stamp it.

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Oh, BTW, you spelled NRA wrong.

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God loves amputees. That's why he calls them home a little at a time.

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Those for-profit prison cells ain't gonna fill themselves.

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