Go away.

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For days when getting out the door is an impossible task, I find online bridge is a huge help. It forces you to use your mind in what one hopes is logical focus without disastrous consequences when wrong and ensures that any rage outbursts don't get physical.

The key to remember is if you can't play well, play quickly.

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What liberal media?

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By which you mean they investigated a wrap of crack then poured their brains out into a rusty tin can?

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But we all keep on walking on, with bits of hope flying off us like chucks of flesh from an improbably muscled action movie star being fired upon by All of the Goons...

Then, because of the things we love and the good people around us and that last sip of coffee we forgot was there and warm socks from the drier and rain on the windowpanes as we read that guilty pleasure novel and rocketpenguin gifs and a really good recipe for casserole... our hope regenerates.

Then the one-liners begin.

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I wonder if she said anything other than "This sick mofo is a sick mofo. Withdraw his nomination NOW."

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Feinstein got the letter and immediately took it to Grassley to determine how they should proceed.

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I saw a tweet from a reporter who said the letter was already set up to counter different allegations. Ford took them completely by surprise.

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I picture a woman in the gallery at public SC hearings jumping up and yelling "Rapist!" over and over until she's hauled away whenever he tries to ask a question or make a comment.

Only to be followed by another woman jumping up and yelling "Rapist!" over and over as soon as things calm down.

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Top. Men.

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I suffered from a bout of moderate depression some years back. Fortunately, I was in a position to get help. I found the worst thing about it is that depression can make it hard to do the things that would make you less depressed. Helping others and moderate exercise are supposed to be two good ways of overcoming the bad feelings. Best of luck to you. ((u))

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Yes, yes, yes, stay home!

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Funny guy. Not that her name belongs anywhere near his mouth.

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"Quietly stunned." LMAO.

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Funny thing about the Hawaiian detectives-- the liberal media just dropped the whole thing when it turned out to be a lie, cut from whole cloth, utterly untrue. It was time to move on to the more pressing Hillary e-mail scandal. Something for that liberal machine to really sink their teeth into.

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