Chuck Norris' ghost writer?

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I pretty much assumed that only layabout wastrels watched daytime teevee, like Judge Judy.

Good to know I was right.

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I read it too, and while it may not include much or anything that is new, it remains troubling. As in, WTF? Where is our liberal champion?

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I swear to Buddha that just before I voted for Dubya in 2000, I said "I won't have to worry about terrorism. His tax cuts will decrease the deficit. Our service men and women will not be sent to war to resolve his Oedipal issues." And you can quote me on that Chucky Cheesebrain!

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$10,000 says he never heard that before.

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Chuck Norris should stop getting his tv show recommendations from Chuck Grassley.

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Chuck Norris doesn't swim; he just beats the water until it takes him where he wants to go.

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