That's all we got...

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He is (D-Wall Street) on a lot of issues, but on Obamacare he's got all of NYC at his back.

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I suggest:1. Congress and the rest of the government has to abide by the ACA for their own health care. 2. No elected or appointed official of the Federal Government gets paid until Congress has passed and the President has signed a budget. And if they miss a few paychecks, too fucking bad, live with it assholes. Continuing Resolutions don't count either.3. Pensions for Congress and Executives are paid at the highest rate that Social Security allows.

4. Congress Critters are limited to 12 years in office.

5. To get a drivers license you have to prove you have voted in both the Presidential and by elections.

How's that for a plan Chucky?

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I for one am more than ready for the new season of Inside Chuck Schumer to start

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On Healthcare (ACA, Medicare) and Social Security: Order No 227.We will have allies on some things, and should work with them when we can. But, there are things for which we will have to be as intractable as the opposition has been, with allies or not. It will get bad. Sen Schumer is not my favorite. But he is tough and smart. I assume, like Harry Reid (and all Majority/Minority Leaders), he didn't get the job because he's a nice guy. I think it will be a long fight, with assorted wins and losses along the way. I think we can win it. Sen Schumer sounds like he can lead that fight and he will have support.

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yes, i get that, helpy...but the public option, as part of the ACA package, was passable, if only it had bully pulpit support...the prez dumped it way too early...it could have been a back-door sneak to eventually ending the health insurance cartel, and was a much better path to that goal than relying on states to expand medicaid...that would have worked eventually too, but relying on obstructionist red states to expand medicaid--For Free, even--was a serious miscalculation that the public option would have avoided

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we have term limits, they are called elections. term limits is how GOPers got A Idiots running state governments. You want to give up the right to elect highly qualified people who have take the time to learn the job? then don't vote for them. Don't take away my right to keep representatives who learn the job and stick with the long fight. It takes decades to gain ground on some of this stuff. term limits are for con men who want to cash in and join Castor and the lobbyists.

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me three

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so sorry to hear that!

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And, apparently, starting a land war in Asia.

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I thought torts were those cakes we like?

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Well, we do have a President-elect who can sexually assault a woman and say, "It's good to be the king."

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Buy one get well card get a condolence card at half price!

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Your twin?

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let's not count out the Bernie Bros just yet...i wouldve swear whitey's last stand was the tea bangin' partiers....i apparently stand corrected....it was this election of Donald Trump that is that.

Bernie Bros....let's hug it out and then go forth and scorched the political map!!!!!

(personally i think everyone thinks they're Spartacus but very very few who really are Spartacus...and of those few, even fewer willing to put themselves out for the greater good)

i want revolution but i doubt anybody else has the motivation.

"some make exhaustion a mode of expression and that's their way"

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As someone who was born and raised in NYC I remember Chucky Schumer from WAAAY back in the day. I'll believe that he's grown a spine when I see pigs roosting in the live oaks down here.

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