He's still lying about who paid off all of his debts and bought him a fancy house and country club membership.

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I remember the John Birch Society's "Impeach Earl Warren!" campaign. In point of fact, though, I dunno what it would take to impeach a SC justice.

That being said, I think you're probably right about what Schumer meant, but his choice of words was ill-advised at best. How stupid can one be, giving the Guardians Of Putin that kind of ammo?

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Next thing you know Chuck will kick their shins and give them sass.

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Bravery? For a vote (of two possible)? Not the word I would use. What was he risking? A mild frown of disapproval in the cloakroom?

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Darling Nikki or Liz Cheney.

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I'm really sorry to hear it and I hope the bastard responsible faces charges and does time.

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Yeah, Donald Trump is a Republican. And he never stops making noises about how Hillary Clinton should be investigated, and investigated, and investigated forever, until charges are fabricated that will imprison her. He also thinks it would be nice if Barack Obama's birth certificate kept being investigated forever. Not to mention the way he panders to fundagelicals in order to have abortions banned, and made a capital crime, except the ones that are convenient for him, and the way he's constantly seeking to have the entire justice system turned into his personal vengeance machine..

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Trumpism is basically numbism and we just take it in stride now, despite the norm wrecking unacceptability of all of it.

The Democrats need to go on offense hard and just wear the Repubs down until its the new norm and becomes accepted and blase.

If some conservative skirts get ruffled, fucking good, do it some more.

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I wonder who was on Hillary's list for the court?

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Conflict of interest like Thomas? Doesn't seem enough. Wonder why?

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Careful, kegler boy may throw another pouty screaming tantrum. So impartial.

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Yeah, Schumer did the right thing. Don't run from these scum's attempt to silence you, hit back and expose their antics and pearl clutching for it truly is.

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I wouldn't count on it. All other norms have been trampled on this last few years, why not that one?

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I really doubt that Schumer threatened to attack them with an actual whirlwind, so as threats go it would be a lame one.

Interesting that Roberts has never commented about trump's comments about dem SCOTUS members.

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Why did I just flash on Leslie Nielsen as the umpire in Naked Gun?

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I already voted in early voting for the 3/17 primary and voted for Warren. Boy is my face red.

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