It very sad. She has a slimy, disgusting husband who cheats on her, hence the trying to stay young. A cry for help indeed. There's an entire $billion plus industry built around women "trying to stay young," appearance-wise anyway. My hobbies are art, playing music and gardening with native plants. Her hobbies are of the rich, bored and desperate. The only place I read fashion magazines is at the Dr's. office. They're part of the reason why lots of women don't like themselves, hence the billion $ industry, which tells women they aren't good enough. It's an ourobouros.

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Gardening is a hobby, "trying to stay young" is a cry for help.

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I am working to elect more Democrats, and have been for years. Small donations, letting Dems put signs in my yard, and going to their offices and stuffing envelopes for them, or doing other small jobs that need to be done. *I* wasn't ignored, personally, but liberal Democrats are ignored by Democrats until needed at election time. Your sarcasm is duly noted.

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Like I said, my bitching about Schumer is not going to change a single vote. I'm not mad at Schumer. He did exactly what I expected he would do.

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But, but, but.....wouldn't she be a great president?

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One of my favourite albums, ever.

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Not. A. Chance.

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Smart kid! Also, love your icon.

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Plastic surgery addict.

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Not to defend Melly, but hobbies are something you're supposed to do with your "me" time. Something you do just for yourself. Starting a foundation would be an unusual, but very admirable hobby.

If I'd had kids, I would have told them that in most cases, celebrities of any stripe aren't role models. Gotta go with Charles Barkley on that one. He got a lot of shit for this commercial.


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Yes, but look how much blowback there was for fighting Kavanaugh.

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So, the movie "American Psycho" was an allegory for the Republican party?

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Well that's swell, but getting mad at Schumer because the best option available to him doesn't give you warm fuzzies, is not really a good look. That's MY opinion, based on how adults get things done.

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Ty Cobb, also too. Ty sharpened his.

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