It is interesting to me that the press has gone all in on calling Joe Mr. BidenInstead of president

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Mehdi Hasan has admitted to having a bias towards democracy. Obviously, he's seeking to be marked as a pariah in the Village. A great badge of honor.

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We already know he has lied repeatedly. Perjured himself, even. He's utterly worthless Federalist Society offal. Airdrop him onto an ice floe.

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What? Does the asswipe that is "Vanilla Ice" need competition?

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Same. It doesn't help that the guy's name literally rhymes with "Fuck Wad."

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Actually, from what I've read about him, he's a pretty cool dude.So is DJ Mac Lethal.I was just trying to make a lame joke.

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There is a crisis with unaccompanied children that there was not enough beds for, that was foreseeable and could have been addressed earlier, and they have been held in extremely overcrowded conditions. Hopefully they will fix this quickly.

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Republican's are against abortions, and against the Biden stimulus. What are they for? Tax cuts for the rich, suppressing voter rights for people of color, and loosening restrictions on polluters. Repukes want to say they are the party of the working class. Nothing that they do benefit's anyone but the rich.

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There were mixed messages, as Biden said during his campaign that he would allow asylum seekers to be processed "on day 1". They had to back off this realizing that all the barriers the Trump administration had erected would need time to take down and "guardrails" be used as an influx of pent-up demand was expected.

But the messaging that people would be able to come back on day 1 was strong, several interviews from mainstream reporters talking to border crossers say they came because of Biden and expected an easier time of it.

β€œMigrants and asylum seekers absolutely should not believe those in the region peddling the idea that the border will suddenly be fully open to process everyone on Day 1. It will not,” Rice said, according to a translation of the interview transcript.https://www.washingtonpost....

my emphasis added. This message had to be countered because people were in fact spreading it.

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Be careful there, don't want to hit Eliza.

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so white supremacist militias are roaming the streets, killing asians and trying to overthrow the government, but I'm supposed to be terrified by guatemalan toddlers?

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Speaking of, has anyone managed to sit through his four hour long Justice League β€œcut”?

I’m putting β€œcut” in parentheses because at four hours, what could he have possibly cut from it?

Anyway, I’m hesitant to watch it because four hours is a long time to watch Ben Affleck slow motion mumble his way through his dialogue. Anyone want to give it a thumbs up or down?

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How much would it cost to have Elon Musk put both Chuckles and Cillizza onto the next Orion capsule launch and fire it into the Sun?

Asking for a friend.

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But how does he feel about the sacred holy grail of partisanship, without which, no democrat-sponsored legislation has any legitimacy?

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Can we impeach Susan Collins, too? She was so sure he would never do that.

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Don’t you have to still be relevant in order to be worried about competition?

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