This is the canonical definition of "low bar".

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What Everyone In Washington Knows But Is Afraid To Say

Hillary? So bold, Chuck. Now try climate change. Or how corporations control the media.

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Being obnoxious for the sake of being obnoxious? I don't think I'll be watching this tool any time soon.

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<i>I.e.,</i> people who hate America, and why wouldn't they, since America hates them even more?

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<i>He showed Mr. Obama a chart of his 2014 State of the Union goals — immigration reform, tax overhaul, a minimum-wage increase, etc. — and only one had a check mark: aid to Syrian rebels. “A lot not accomplished here,” Mr. Todd said, later noting, “That was with a Democratic Senate.” </i>

WTF Chuckles? Did you sleep through the part of your high school civics class that teaches how legislation must pass both houses of Congress?

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"That boy is as sharp as a bag of wet mice."

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