Yes, agree. It’s a crappy illness that I would love to not have. It is unfortunately a very real condition. Please do better Wonkette.

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First time I've seen P orbitals represented like that. They're so cute!

(I am a chemistry mook, haven't studied it since the 80s.)

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Is Shaklee still a thing?

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But, but doesn't bleach have...Elelectrolytes...which plants crave and....

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I don't doubt that you're suffering real symptoms and having a wretched time, but "chronic Lyme disease" is a bogus diagnosis. Some "alternative health practitioners" claim continuing symptoms mean the bacteria causing Lyme Disease are still alive, and require long-term antibiotic treatment to kill. This isn't true. Research has shown extended antibiotic treatment has no benefits, and carries significant risks. Nevertheless, "Lyme literate" practitioners often prescribe high doses of antibiotics for up to six months, even installing cannulas to deliver them intravenously. People have suffered very serious complications from this useless and unnecessary regime.

If you're still suffering symptoms of Lyme disease after antibiotics, you probably have Post-Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (which Crip Dyke has mentioned). This means that, although the bacteria are dead, they have screwed with your immune system so thoroughly that it keeps producing the symptoms. It's most likely to occur if you'd had the disease for some time before treatment. More antibiotics do no good at all.

I don't question that you're genuinely ill, and I'm sorry you're having such a rotten time. I also know that standard medicine has very little to offer this kind of illness, and some doctors aren't all that sympathetic, helpful or understanding. I'm sorry that's happening to you and I hope with all my heart you recover soon. But it's important to know that people talking about "Chronic Lyme Disease" can't really help you either. They may offer a much better bedside manner, but their "treatments" are useless at best and dangerous at worst.

It's really important that Wonkette and everyone else distinguish between good science and potentially harmful woo. May things get much better for you soon.

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Aaaaaa.... yeeeeaaaaah.

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I think the argument was one of semantics... it's just not called that. So, we have Stellars jays here, scrub jays, who are mostly blue, but they are not properly called "blue jays". Real blue jays do not live in California. Words, they matter.

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Remodeling homes.

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Upvote for "Covid 5 thru 19". Good one.

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that was the VERY WHITE home decor store.

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the Ken Starr one. May he burn in Hell. Because he should, the appalling twerp. I couldn't stand seeing him supposedly rehabilitated back there when he became a commentator on some subject. Oh-- regarding the impeachment of Donald. So gross!

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Must be pretty tough. Don't you want to pound your way out to the adults and punch them in the face? Or do you get over that? Or would you be stopped right away by all your colleagues?

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Yes. What other drama have they ever seen that they feel free to relate to? WW2 is too complex and boring. But this is strictly to do with guns and primitive feelings. And effectiveness!!! Buy a gun and you will be effective. Somewhere in these comments I've seen someone describing how he tried to point out to someone else how it was that events in movies were "arranged ahead of time" so that John Wayne could come out saving the day, but the person couldn't grasp what he meant. So there you are and the attraction may never ever fade. And the NRA, pulled today's everyman into the drama by saying "these are men who are just trying to protect their families." (from what exactly, Wayne?")

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...use to reproduce proto-synthetics... (we're on a roll)

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This is a thoughtful and respectful post. Thank you for that. While there are points in your argument that are valid, I respectfully believe it doesn’t tell the entire story of a “chronic Lyme” or post treatment Lyme disorder. The spirochete can become very adept at hiding in the body and evading treatment (hence why prolonged antibiotic treatment may not always be helpful) but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there and that we don’t need better treatment and diagnosis options. My Lyme literate doctor vastly improved my quality of life with very useful and not dangerous “treatments.” Thanks for the discussion and compassion for those of us that suffer from Lyme.

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still think the Baylor stuff is probably the worst thing he ever did. but he's subject to a related lawsuit. I hope they take him for all that he's worth.

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