I thought the first reaction was, "Wow ... these really suck!"

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It was released on a need-to-know basis - and Leon wants <b>everybody</b> to know that leaks are frowned upon.

That's why I did it. Really! That's the only reason!! AAAH! NOT AGAIN!!!?! *Glub glub cough hack glub glub...*

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"Panetta told staff Wednesday that the disclosure of classified information to anyone not cleared for it – reporters, friends, colleagues in other agencies or former CIA officers – can endanger lives."

Just ask Valerie Plame.

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I thought they found him by hailing a cab in Islamabad and saying "Osama's house ... and step on it!"

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They probably blocked Wonkette from their work computers and pissed someone off.

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Dunno, but where can I get some credentials?

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Aka the DoRD department...

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I remember Wow! chips. I believed they called this product such a name because when you ate them you found yourself saying, "Wow! I just shit my pants", or "Wow, my anus is leaking on my parent's sofa!", or "Wow! What is dribbling out of my boyfriend's ass while I'm blowing him?".

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