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As a grad student in neurosciences, we had to take some classes with the psychology grad students. It was a standing joke that a lot of psychology grad students needed to be seeing a psychologist for their issues. So this does not really surprise me that some members of the APA had no problem helping design or maintain torture programs. Note that I am not saying all members, just some.

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Medication can be good, it can (and undoubtedly has) allowed many people to lead happy, fulfilling lives. OVER-medication, however, can be very bad. The trick is that the crossover point is practically unique for each person.

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I want the names of these bastard psychologists. Not to mention charges and fingernails. Can they be taken before the water board?

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... and was he self-certified also too?

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Sounds like Scientologists might be right about psychiatirsts. :-(

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or maybe in the case of the people who cooperated with the government in this: "psychiatrist fuck thyself!"

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Pay them in Hell money.

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I volunteer to be used as an example. 30+ years of being prescribed every known anti-dep medication, in varying amounts and combos, to no avail... only to find that what works *for me* is cannabis. Welcome bonus is the absence of the sometimes nasty physical side effects of the chemical concoctions.

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Did you read the article? Pychologists (when asked if they would help torture people): Yes.Psychiatrists (when asked if they would help torture people): No.What's that accusation of the scientologists against the psychiatrists again?

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The ones that KNEW that their 'mission' was necessary, because if it wasn't then they would be so wrong about themselves, so they will never know or acknowledge that.Cowards in the nth degree!

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Every time a new season of '24' was up I wondered 'would it be that they would do it?'I had this idea of a plot for a season of '24': In the first (or second) episode Jack Bauer grabs this bad guy after a long manhunt. The guy knows where something really bad is going to happen, around the middle of the episode it is revealed that the 'bad thing' is going to happen in 30 minutes. Jack Bauer gets carte blanche to extract the info from the bad guy, he does what you think he'd do in such a situation and in ten minutes gets an info like 'the airport'. Everybody rushes to the airport... and the 'bad thing' happens at a stadium. With his reputation now being of a '******** up fool', it's to Jack discover who was behind the 'bad thing'.A whole season to make ammends of a mistake that cost American lives in American soil...I stopped watching the series after the 4th season, did something like that happened?

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It's an open secret in medicine that most people who go to work in mental health do so to either fix a family member, themselves, or both.

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The problem with the drugs is that for depression/anxiety they're only a stop gap, not a cure. Nobody wants the therapy part, which is hard work. So they wind up just getting the drug from their GP and never addressing the underlying issues.

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Honey, is that you?

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