couple (or so) suggestions:

1. no foreign money! . . . accept it and be tried and jailed/shot for treason if found guilty.

B. no campaign spending by anyone except the candidate's direct apparatus . . . yes, this includes "issue" ads! . . . fines of 100x money spent or other value given and jail time for those responsible.

III. total campaign spending for any elective office not to exceed the total of the base salary for the term of office . . . volunteers are OK but if you buy them donuts it becomes campaign spending . . . and donut donations considered outsider campaign spending (see 'B').

d. any entity found making illegal campaign contributions shall be immediately nationalized . . . "nice business you got there, it's a public entity now" . . . this should bring down the price of widgets.

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Hell, yeah! If Alito and the rest of Leonard Leo's Federalist Society tools can overturn Roe v. Wade, we will start overturning their decisions.

On another note, I'm very steamed about the 93 court employees having to sign affidavits, while the corrupt SCOTI (plural of SCOTUS?) didn't have to sign affidavits. We already know who the leaker is: Alito.

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LOL! No, those are both Babby Axl’s hind paws, which are oddly curled up and overlapping each other. Mebbe he was trying to keep his feets warm?

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Godwin's Second Law

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They need to be outlawed.

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I feel the same. I knew whats-her-name had announced for Senate from her fundraising text. Ugh.

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Or Esperanto.

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the judges are untouchable - or at least they like to think so - they can in fact be impeached - we should look into that

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I wanted to urge them to take PAC money. They'd say "I vowed never to take PAC money, and so I'm counting on you!" When I'd unsubscribe I would urge them to take PAC money and not write to me. But one voice doesn't matter tho they act like you're all that can save them.

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Ooh goody. Can we get rid of Homeland Security next?

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That would have been so funny. Just confirming the dire beliefs of his many many enemies! If he'd wheeled it in, and set about preparing it, never once looking up or smiling, I wonder if some of those people like Virginia Foxx (R) North Carolina would have gotten down all all fours and crawled out of the room, then followed by the rest of them? Like the Bosheviks and the Mensheviks-- if any of you are old enough to remember that fateful meeting!

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Gee, maybe the dumbocrats should've done that when they CONTROLLED THE HOUSE!

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It's kind of sad weak poop. If your're going to do it, go for the jugular. Just say stop it with the super pacs. Stop shitting on democracy.

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I think it was just the tweet up in the corner of the video. and not a clip.

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You need to find an incentive that works for you. For me, it was longer and more vigorous sex. YMMV

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lol Mine as well. Just about the only time in his week where he was,warm, relaxed, fairly comfortable -- and holding still ! XD (Be it noted that he was a notorious insomniac at night. )

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