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that is what i learned in baptist sunday school. catholics follow the anti christ, and are all going to hell. apparently in the same hand basket as the rest of us.

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that sounds good, but i'm older than the two of them together. the spirit would be willing, but the flesh would be spongy and bruised. but oh, what a way to go...

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the mullet is the anti christ, i tells ya!!!111!!!

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I'm willing to accept the challenge for us +50 citizens. Bouncy bouncy.

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I've actually become something of a Miley fanboi. Possibly because I remember Janis. (Not comparing their voices, just their public impact).

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she's a bit over the top and still needs to grow up a bit- but fuck it, good for her for being herself

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So Phil has the hots for Miley. We get it, Phil.

PS - PLEASE remember your promise to go away if Hillary wins.

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One of my favorite sayings is, "Gagamaggot." Maybe he'll take my advice.

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An obsession with Miley Cyrus is probably a treatable mental condition.

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"Miley -- be *thankful* Adolf probably isn't interested. You wouldn't BELIEVE what he used to have me do." -- Eva

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In a similar vein, "Jesus died for our sins. Dare we make his martyrdom meaningless by not committing them?" -- Jules Feiffer

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Affilez les voix!!

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Frankly, I'm surprised the Missing Link from Monroe isn't still hung up on Nina Simone.

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In Soviet Russia, bear with-votes YOU!

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No, but Gomer Pyle is Shazam-Isis...

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