Now there's a dynamic duo for our times. Throw in some car chases, explosions, a few sappy moments and you've got a network hit and those sweet syndication bucks. Quick get on this before Bannon figures it out.

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And they should shut the lid on the toilet before each flush, so the aerosolized droplets don't contaminate everything in the bathroom with lead.

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That's cousin Clem!

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> Well, but there's actually nothing wrong with the water in Flint..


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Well, there you go. Lead poising from old paint is horrible, but it's not like you fucking cook, bath and drink it. You, know like people do with their city supplied water. You sir, are A Idiot of the first order.

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if not further

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How long ya got?

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No, this one's real. George Takei put it up and his people really collate this stuff very well.

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It's heartbreaking to watch our country being controlled by soulless assholes!

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He is just stupid enough that he will tweet his disapproval.

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Being mean became a virtue

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LOL That's awesome. Not so awesome on that topic is this news. I just know my Freedumb Caucus Rep for the VA 05 is going to be all, "See? The ACA is failing!" Of course the AHCA offers just as much to people with pre-existing conditions as Aetna shortly will, so potato/po-TAH-to.https://twitter.com/CNBC/st...

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Andrew Jackson and Frederick Douglas are on it...

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It's almost like there was a merger that didn't get approved by the justice department or something.

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