"What do you call that?""I call it blood, Lieutenant, but I suppose you'll write it up as 'graffiti'."

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I had to go back to the photos to check how "bastards" was spelled. No luck. If it was "basterds," we all know who's to blame.

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Was he in drag?

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A Wonketteere lost an eye.

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It's the Anarchists. I don't think they're big on sharing.

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Ah yes. The Portman Effect.

Or, if you want to reserve Portman solely for LGBTQ issues, we could call it The Kushner Effect.

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The fucking slogan is an anarchist slogan. Those fuckers are so dumb.

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I'm not going to read the article, but I am going to assume that the words, "You're in big trouble, mister," have crossed his lips before.

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Apparently in New Mexico the rate is 0% because they never let them out.

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If someone took a guy in leather chaps on all fours and shooped Mike's head in, it probably wouldn't look that odd.

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No one told them they were buggy whips?

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Moderate is what conservatives call themselves when they haven’t quite fully embraced bigotry, racism and misinformation, yet. But if you identify as Republican willingly, you are already at odds with reality. Mace is a moderate because she both-sides everything. 1/6 is nothing like summer 2020. 1/6 happened because a despot with a fragile ego panicked when his protection from prosecution was jeopardized. He spun The Big Lie to grift his thoughtless supporters out of millions while turning our nation upside down to protect his feelings. It’s a repugnant display of a truly vile person causing pain, damage and incalculable cost on the people he was supposed to lead. 1/6 was a violent, angry, clumsy expression of the most radicalized believers. Is there any doubt it should have resulted in charges against Trump and impeachment? Summer of 2020 saw millions of people fed up with the senseless cruelty and killing of black and brown people by police. That was real, not a lie. George Floyd died while begging for his mom to help him as police stood around watching an officer kneel on his neck. It was cruel, barbaric and unacceptable in a civilized society. So people protested, as you would expect, as you would hope. Many, many of those peaceful protestors were arrested. Few were violent, but it did happen. It wasn’t a surprise, given the absolute outrage. So, Nancy the moderate is a liar, or a fool, and can shove that shit.

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Who has ever seen-- apart from that one you saw-- even one antifa person. There was one gang who supposedly appeared at Berkeley campus when some horrible person was going to speak and they joined the protest, arriving from Oakland. But I wonder because there's no way they shouted the silly things attributed to them. So-- were they really there? I guess so but-- embellished. And they probably called themselves antifascists. I saw photos and they were guys in black, not saying the stupid things attributed to them. Period. Must have been 5 years ago. Since then I've never seen anyone like that in any video.

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And different from DDay. And what followed.

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That's just what the 'antifa' guys at the Berkeley protest said! 'Acid is groovy, Kill the Pigs!'

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Perfectly stated. Thank you so much! I only wish more people that need to hear this could read and understand these simple truths.

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