If you're a Republican SCOTUS justice, you can get reimbursed for vacation. If you're a Democratic President's son, you can't get reimbursed for *job*.
That Harlan Crow's expenditures on behalf of Thomas were "REIMBURSEMENT" ... that is, payback for things Thomas did on his behalf ... is not a better view of things, it's a succinct of the problem we're trying to call attention to. Words, what are they really?
Reimbursement is defined as "a sum paid to cover money that has been spent or lost." So where are old pubecan's receipts? Just how, exactly, did he spend or lose money in the course of signing on to Scalia's and Scalito's horrible decisions?
Leave it to the Putin's Stooge Party to torture the meaning out of the English language, which they seem to hate as much as they hate America.
Never forget that we owe the elevation of disgraceful, disgusting Uncle Clarence to the bottomless racism and petty spite we've come to expect from the Putin's Stooge Party (PSP); he was named in deliberate, malicious disrespect of the memory of the late, great Justice Thurgood Marshall, whose career was characterized by his constant struggle to dismantle systemic racism in this country, in stark contrast to the venal reactionary who is the subject of the article above.
he should be forgotten the minute he falls off the twig, being a waste of carbon alive. If remembered at all, he should be paired with Roger B. Taney as one of the worst disgraces to the High Court in History.
"Now Thomas has categorized the flights he took in 2022 as reimbursements, not gifts."
THAT MAKES IT WORSE!! In justifying his non-disclosure, he's saying these things were PAYMENT FOR SERVICES RENDERED, but he didn't DO anything--except decide in favor of this guy's interests a few dozen times, right?
Clarence, just say it. Your dedication to the pRinCiPuls of the eighteenth century make you, in your mind, into Mr. Harlan's slave. No reimbursement b.s. necessary.
the Slow Burn podcast has a season on Clarence Thomas. highly recommend for anyone (like myself) who didn't know his life story. i didn't like him before hearing the podcast, now i REALLY don't like him.
The Supreme Court has essentially no checks and balances even when going before the Senate for confirmation. With Boof we saw a sham investigation of credible allegations by that liberal institution, the FBI. Republicans would approve a parrot if they were trained to push the antiabortion or pro corporate button. As we saw with Trump's two impeachments the only way for a GOP president who murders ten school children at the Easter Egg Roll to be removed by impeachment is to have 67 Democrats in the Senate. None of them named Manchin or Sinema. Using the 25th amendment is even harder.
I’ve been suspicious of Thomas ever since the Anita Hill matter surfaced. Much like Kegger screaming and crying at his confirmation, that should have been the end of any aspirations Thomas had to SCOTUS. But this country is so messed up that both those scumbags sailed through their confirmations and now the smug bastards are seemingly untouchable.
"The unnamed colleagues Thomas has asked for advice over the years who also steered him wrong." This is the bullshit that really gets my goat. It's a lie.
"Justice Brett Kavanaugh signaled Thursday that the Supreme Court may take steps "soon" to address ethics scandals that have eroded confidence and sparked a partisan fight in Congress over whether lawmakers can force a code of ethics on the nation's highest court."
If you're a Republican SCOTUS justice, you can get reimbursed for vacation. If you're a Democratic President's son, you can't get reimbursed for *job*.
That Harlan Crow's expenditures on behalf of Thomas were "REIMBURSEMENT" ... that is, payback for things Thomas did on his behalf ... is not a better view of things, it's a succinct of the problem we're trying to call attention to. Words, what are they really?
I make anti-American decisions from the bench of the US Supreme Court to suit Mister Harlan's immoral wishes, and Mister Harlan "reimburses" me.
See how that works?
Reimbursement is defined as "a sum paid to cover money that has been spent or lost." So where are old pubecan's receipts? Just how, exactly, did he spend or lose money in the course of signing on to Scalia's and Scalito's horrible decisions?
Leave it to the Putin's Stooge Party to torture the meaning out of the English language, which they seem to hate as much as they hate America.
Never forget that we owe the elevation of disgraceful, disgusting Uncle Clarence to the bottomless racism and petty spite we've come to expect from the Putin's Stooge Party (PSP); he was named in deliberate, malicious disrespect of the memory of the late, great Justice Thurgood Marshall, whose career was characterized by his constant struggle to dismantle systemic racism in this country, in stark contrast to the venal reactionary who is the subject of the article above.
Clarence hates himself. For good reason. His inferiority complex is warranted.
Hates himself? Well, who wouldn't?
Remember that Sesame Street game "One of These Things (Is Not Like the Others)?" Take a good look at the picture and give it your best shot.
And what's with the sort-of nude statue in the background?
There's lots of issues in this country that Harlan Crow needs to decide.
OMG, the Clarence Thomas memorial museum, grossssss
Will there be a wing dedicated to his pubic hair collection?
The "memorial" part I'd gladly celebrate.
he should be forgotten the minute he falls off the twig, being a waste of carbon alive. If remembered at all, he should be paired with Roger B. Taney as one of the worst disgraces to the High Court in History.
Ta, Gary. CT has always been a disgusting piece of shit, but obviously he believes he deserves to be a first class piece of shit.
Still benefiting from 'affirmative action' I see........
" everything is everyone else’s fault"
That's how we know he's a member of the right and FarQ.
I was not previously aware that one definition of "reimbursements" was "bribery."
Wouldn't reimbursements be taxable?
Bribes are taxable income.
"Now Thomas has categorized the flights he took in 2022 as reimbursements, not gifts."
THAT MAKES IT WORSE!! In justifying his non-disclosure, he's saying these things were PAYMENT FOR SERVICES RENDERED, but he didn't DO anything--except decide in favor of this guy's interests a few dozen times, right?
Clarence, just say it. Your dedication to the pRinCiPuls of the eighteenth century make you, in your mind, into Mr. Harlan's slave. No reimbursement b.s. necessary.
Yeah, I don’t understand how this is supposed to be better but ok I guess
the Slow Burn podcast has a season on Clarence Thomas. highly recommend for anyone (like myself) who didn't know his life story. i didn't like him before hearing the podcast, now i REALLY don't like him.
The Supreme Court has essentially no checks and balances even when going before the Senate for confirmation. With Boof we saw a sham investigation of credible allegations by that liberal institution, the FBI. Republicans would approve a parrot if they were trained to push the antiabortion or pro corporate button. As we saw with Trump's two impeachments the only way for a GOP president who murders ten school children at the Easter Egg Roll to be removed by impeachment is to have 67 Democrats in the Senate. None of them named Manchin or Sinema. Using the 25th amendment is even harder.
I’ve been suspicious of Thomas ever since the Anita Hill matter surfaced. Much like Kegger screaming and crying at his confirmation, that should have been the end of any aspirations Thomas had to SCOTUS. But this country is so messed up that both those scumbags sailed through their confirmations and now the smug bastards are seemingly untouchable.
At least those confirmation hearings gave us two of the best SNL skits ever:
"The unnamed colleagues Thomas has asked for advice over the years who also steered him wrong." This is the bullshit that really gets my goat. It's a lie.
He's a fucking Supreme Court Justice, who has been on the bench for over 35 years, and he doesn't understand a simple code of ethics?
He understands, it just doesn't apply to him (he's special, don'tcha know?!)
Sounds like Brett is going to resign! (we wish).
"Justice Brett Kavanaugh signaled Thursday that the Supreme Court may take steps "soon" to address ethics scandals that have eroded confidence and sparked a partisan fight in Congress over whether lawmakers can force a code of ethics on the nation's highest court."
I assume the "steps" it will take the form of some sort of gag order that forbids the press from talking about these things