This is perhaps what fuels my hatred of the wingnut/FOXfan/mobility scoottard species the most: They are able to actually render satire completely ineffective. That, and they totally buttmolest parody.

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There's only one way that could make this <i>NOT</i> crazy and in context. That would be, we find out later that Anita sent a congratulatory gift to Clarence on the anniversary of his confirmation: a case of Cokes "decorated" appropriately and a couple of Clarence's favorite Dong videos... which he was caught pounding his gavel to.

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Someone who waits quietly for twenty years, and issues stalker messages right before election time.

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Doesn't Virginia Thomas know about Twitter? That way you can "reach out" to someone and have all the hangers-on know about it. And by "reach out" I mean a pre-emptive strike before the old girlfriend's memoir comes out.

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That must the why she did it. Seriously, who calls up looking for an apology after nearly 20 years?

Maybe Ginnie is doing the 12-step and she thinks folks have to make amends to her and not the other way around?

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Most people would be smugly satisfied with the fact that Thomas got the job despite Anita’s testimony. Nasty, nasty women.

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Here comes the grudge!

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If Justice Thomas' rulings are any guide, I'm sure there's also a message on his wife's voice mail:

<blockquote>Good morning Ginni Thomas, it's Maureen Scalia. I would love you to consider calling Anita Hill for an apology immediately. So give it no thought. And certainly pray about this. O.K., have a good day.</blockquote>

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Obsessing much Virginia? Although I suppose when your husband has a collection of down-below hairs that he counts every night before going to bed just to make sure no one has stolen any of his precious pubes, I might be a little wacky too.

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Well, we all knew being married to that walking cesspit of petulance, rage, hypocrisy, and false consciousness meant she had to be crazy, but boy-howdy!

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Doesn't Virginia Thomas know about Twitter? That way you can "reach out" to someone and have all the hangers-on know about it. And by "reach out" I mean a pre-emptive strike before the old girlfriend's memoir comes out.

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Well, the Post sure doesn't b/c the first sentence in its story is "It is one of Washington's enduring mysteries." Really, WaPo? I believe that the end of that mystery was quietly written a long time ago.

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Someone in the Thomas household doesn't know how to use good judgment. Just kidding, NO ONE on the Thomas household knows how to use good judgment.

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